Love Mode is Squwee!

Oct 01, 2007 15:03

XD! I got in my Love Mode #5 and #6 today, and my face is forever stuck in that giddy fangirl smile. I love you Naoya! And Aoe's so sexy!
Sadly, I have to rebuy #4 since it apparently wasn't in stock...
Oh, and of course, I rushed to open them up and read them instead of doing homework. I'm such a horrible person. I want to go back and read them again. Only 5 more volumes to go!

I've been working a bit on a Kyou Kara Maou fanfic for fun, and I'm all giddy about that too. I did set that aside for the homework I have to do, and feel kinda bad for leaving my readers off like that for the last few days. (I posted it up on Hopefully, I'll get the time to work on it and post the next chapter this weekend.

*looks at clock* I still have 10 minutes before I have to leave for class... what to do, what to do? *changes into jeans and then goes back to reading Love Mode* I'm sorry, I can't help it! It's so sexy!
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