I Hate Bugs!!!

Nov 29, 2006 13:54

They suck!
After all this time, I still have those stupid little roaches. I've sprayed Raid, sprinkled Boric Acid in cracks, and put those RidX food-home things all over the place so they eat and die. The pest control guy has never once come in our apartment even though I request the service. Much to my delight though, the roaches are not as bad as they used to be. I think these RidX things are pretty useful, so I will have to remember to buy them again in a few months (they wear off after 3-6 months).

But worst of all, I have fleas! I think the cat brought them in and now the live in our bed and/or comforter because I only get eaten at night. At first, I thought it was mosquitos and then I got bites all over my ankles like mad. It's too cold for mosquitos this time of year; wtf?! One day I actually caught one of the little buggers (a flea) on my ankle before it jumped off. I hate fleas! I keep putting Caladryl Clear stuff on my bites but at night I still get itchy. I thought that the stuff didn't work too well but no! The little knats(sp?) are biting me again in my sleep! One night I went to bed at 9 and couldn't fall asleep until after midnight once I grabbed a sheet that I threw under me and a smaller comforter I put on top of me. Try to squeeze through 2 more layers, you jerks! And get this, they're only biting me and not Jon. What's up with that?!

If only I had the money. I'd get one of those bug bombs and gas the shit out of them. Or even get one of the stupid, stinky-smelling bug off ointments/sprays. I'm going to try to clean the sheets because that's the only thing I can afford right now... :(
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