May 31, 2007 20:45
No more CPK.
I took a week off last week (or the week before, I dont remember) because CPK was getting on my last nerves. The managers have gotten annoying, schedulings horrible and all the fun people are leaving. I come back, ready to work and this past week went by okay, but I got a glimpse of the schedule for next week and I'm only working two days. Why? Because Ashley McCann decided to work Take out full time. There's only one other full time take out and that's me. I work all the morning shifts except two, but they gave them all to her. What the fuck. It's not fair. One of the managers commented that 'well you have a second job'. Yeah, I have two jobs, but this one is my main one, the other is for extra money to be saved. This is ridiculous. not only that, but they're having us come in at 10:30 instead of 11:15. Why? I have no idea.
So, I'm quiting. Other then maybe 8 other people I'm the last of the original staff that started in October. This is the longest I've stayed at a job before, which is kinda crazy.
Tonight I was supposed to work for Jessica at hosting because it's her graduation, but apparently she forgot that she already got Hilary to work for her. Samantha already got Emma to work for her, so guess who got sent home? Yeah, me. The one who doesn't have a car and walks. It's ridiculous. I walked down to DSW to get my schedule, the people there are really nice, I gotta say. Even Karen, who says she's the biggest bitch you could ever come across, is nice xD I like her. I have to see about asking Amanda K to work for me next Saturday... Chip and Jesse are getting married that day and I forgot to request off.
After that I walked down york rd ( in my host outfit for some reason o_O I didn't change) and stopped into Renaissance Day Spa and put in an application. Oddly enough, for the first time ever I couldn't tell whether she was pleased with the interview or not.
new job