Apr 07, 2007 16:56
Okay. I need to vent.
Its really pissing me off in one of the role play comms I'm in that the mods are stressing the best of the best rping from the roleplayers. The game isn't a game for them it's like a lifestyle that will demolish if something is slightly wrong. As highly stressed as it is, it's pretty sad that some of the moderator's characters are even out of character, but you can't approach them about it because you're worried that might be 'speaking against the mods'. Dont get me wrong, I ENJOY rping with these people. It's just frustrating to me that the characters are ooc, slightly or not.
I gotta lay it out. I haven't seen Sasori rped this badly since her days in cnj. He's the farthest from being IC then almost every character I've seen in my roleplayings. Except maybe the godmoded sasuke. The excuse is used that he's 'only faking to use people'. Sasori wasn't like that in the manga at all. He's not a faker. Nor is he someone who'd complain and complain about stuff like a 2 year old pitching a fit. "I hate my teachers. I hate this school. I hate this city.' No. Even if it was private. That's so ridiculous. It's pretty immature rping to make your characters, who many dont get along with ANYONE miraculously get along with someone else's characters just because you have a huge crush on them but know they're unavailable so you do the next best thing by making your characters somehow linked to theirs.
I know my Deidara isn't perfect. So the phrase 'you have no room to talk' might get thrown either behind my back or directly. But at least I dont act like he is.