Oy, I hate fire drills. The siren is so loud and the whole thing is so boring when we go out and standing in the heat on the lovely dirty feild. On top of it, it happened during creative writing! It's a bunch of bs, if you ask me. On a high note, Mr. K. cancled our test today and let us watch the General's Daughter (there are a lot better Forensics movies out there, but whatever). I'm also going to be gone this weekend in Big Bear with the fam, which will make me miss yu-gi-oh *sniffle*, but Ayad says he'll teach me out to play the card game soon (along with move us all to Kurdistan ^^'). Oh, yeah, and I've been having a bit of an attitude lately (seems my yami has finally caught up with me) so uh... I don't know what that's all about. Well, I do, but I'm not tellin' ^.-
*~Suki Dayo~*
You are Yami Malik, other wise known as Mariku. You
intend to have all of the Egyptian god cards in
your power and rule the world in chaos as
Which of the many Yamis are you? (Yu-Gi-Oh! Pics included) brought to you by