Okay...my brain is mush but I have a few things on my mind before I go out jogging. Jogging, at nearly 3 am? Yeah, Christina is crazeh in the head. Neway, thought number one:
Fixed up two ljs for my friends Jim and Mel. Mel's is so frickin awesome, go take a peak:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/kamilia_esme/ Jimmy's is cool, and by cool, I mean ice cold. Not exactly sure if it was what he wanted, tho:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/rikimaru_ubcs/ Second thought: Ashleigh's lj says Nickelle is moving back in with her family in SD. All I have to say is wtf mate? (A little flash movie humor :p Watch the End of the World here:
Uh...I luff you all!