A Child called Father

Mar 05, 2005 22:14

Saw the movie Hitch tonight with Dave/Ther ^-^ Very funny and sweet, indeed. Actually, it was just what I needed due to the fact that my dad was being a jerk and venting his frustrations on me. He found out the other day that his blood sugar was very high and his doctor has him on this really depressing diet. So he vents on me, even admits to picking on me without knowing the reason, and it was ME who told him that he had to watch his diet. He stopped caring when he found out his disease could possibly kill him, and I tried to convince him to take care of himself. Of course he doesn't listen to me and then acts like a child; that's usually how it goes.

Neway, Dave stayed over last night and we cuddled on the couch watching Cartoon Network until about 12:30 am, so that was very nice. He makes me feel so safe and loved, and overall I can say I'm a more happy, confident person since we began dating. I can't believe our 9 month anniversary is coming up in six days ^-^ It's crazy to look back through my lj and see how he just sort of sprang into my life...actually, I guess it was me who (very shyly) sprang into his :p

Count down to my dad's wedding: 50 days
My feeling about it today: annoyed
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