Jan 02, 2009 10:10
My traditional New Years consists of writing down a list of resolutions and then never following them. As I'm sure most everyone's does. But I thought it might be nice to write some down anyhow and give them a try. The idea behind this is to make them reasonable. Something I know I can and will try to do. SO....here it goes:
1) Finish Amber's promised fanfic
2) Give writing a book an honest try (Dani's story)
3) Get Dad's info for financial aid to review for Spring quarter
4) Try to find a job to make extra money so I can move in 2010
5) Sell Car (?)
I'm considering putting exercise every day down there, which I really should to help my disease....but I know I won't do it. >.< Especially in this God Awful weather. And I suppose my other silent resolution is to do just as well this quarter as I did last quarter (President's Honor Roll, baby! 4.0 in every class!), but other than that, this should do. ^__^ Good luck to everyone else with all of your new goals and hopes and dreams.
new year,