Jul 23, 2006 23:55
The Byward marketplace is so fascinating in Ottawa. I could spend endless hours looking through trinkets and treasures along the sale stalls lined along the sidewalks. Merchants of many trades, artists, florists, and even street musicians sit at corners singing or playing their tunes as passerbys kindly leave a loonie or toonie. It's been awhile since I've seen raw talent, much more skillful than the already famous who call themselves musicians in the entertainment industry.
Downtown is not a downtown without its historical buildings, noise, and people snaking their ways through crowds. Aromas of different cuisines permeate through the air enticing the many sniffing noses. There's nothing like grabbing freshly baked bread still warm to the touch and drinking brewed ice tea in clear, plastic cups (not from the cans or bottles) rather than running to the fast food joints in Indy. That's just how I prefer a brunch or lunch. Snack time doesn't consist of junkfood here either.
I couldn't help but notice the fresh-cut flowers they were selling at the corners. I saw all these exotic flowers such as bird-of-paradise, gladiolas, colored daisies, and a golden sunflower. I would have bought myself a sunflower and frolicked through the market...I don't need a guy to buy me flowers as if it's obligatory for them. One single flower would make me a happy person and put a smile upon my face. Or maybe two as a pair? :)