From the
1. Do you get sick frequently?
Not frequently, maybe a couple times a year.
2. What do you like to do to make yourself feel better when you're under the weather? Comfort foods? Movies? Company? Hot baths? Etc?
I always crave chicken broth or chicken noodle soup...with saltines. Then just lounge on the couch and sleep or watch tv.
3. What things that you normally enjoy are not enjoyable when you're sick?
just about anything other than the above!
4. When you're sick, do you like being taken care of? What sort of things do you like people to do for you when you're sick?
keep the dog busy so he lets me rest! Otherwise, I'm content to take care of myself since I always have. I never remember getting to stay home from school when I was sick other than when I had chicken pox & was contagious. But, I don't think I'd mind being taken care of.
5. Do you like taking care of friends or family when they're sick? What sorts of things do you like to do for them?
Whatever they need...within reason. I'm not good with anything involving puking though.
The Questioner says: Don't forget your links!