Lornie Mike

Jan 12, 2009 01:31

The Scrubs premiere last week was good stuff. It's headed back in the direction of the earlier seasons, which it needed to do, lest it spin completely off course. Also, I cried at the opening credits, because that was the last first time I will see them. You know what, STFU, you'd understand if you'd been an extra in your favorite show, OK?

I have many, many Golden Globes comments as well, but I'm not going to bother verbalizing them because no one cares. I need to get a job just commenting on stuff like this because I always do my own commentaries for these things anyway. This is my dream.

Wisdom teeth. Please stop fucking with me. I am tired of this war going on in my mouth. The new teeth and the old teeth should be able to live together harmoniously. And the gums had nothing to do with this at all--they're just innocent civilians. Please stop hurting them so.

I am so unenthusiastic about the paper this semester. Two of my favorite people are leaving--have left--and I have to pretty much run my section, at least for the first few weeks until my new co gets the hang of things. And I just don't FEEL like doing any of it. I am going to have to actively avoid the fuck out of some people if I have any hope of getting through the semester.

Also, I do not know which classes to take.

I'm taking a Humphrey Bogart class this month, though. Starts Wednesday, meets five times. Sweet deal. Movies are cool.

I have realized of late--OK, I always knew this, but I was thinking about it--that I lust after a lot of men who are just way too old for me. Celebrities, I mean. The youngest dude I find sex-able is probably, like, Justin Timberlake. But most of them are over 30, many of them...older than that. I wonder if this is related to the fact that I am rarely attracted to guys my age whom I actually meet. It seriously does not happen often. This does not work to my advantage.

So, as I am bored and procrastinating on stuff I need to get done, I have compiled a list of celebrities who are at least 2 decades older than me whom I find attractive. (Meaning attractive enough to do.) I was going to post pictures but the list is longer than I anticipated, and I am lazy.
  • Alec Baldwin (age: 50). What can I say, I'm attracted to assholes. Really funny and talented assholes, though!
  • Cary Grant (105). Yep. I have a thing for a dead dude. A dude who died before I was born, in fact.
  • Bill Paxton (53). I am very jealous of his 3 fictional wives.
  • Chris Meloni (47). OK, so maybe he looks like a muppet when he makes certain faces, but if you've seen Oz, you know why he's on my list.
  • Johnny C (McGinley) (49). He is scary, this is true, but dude's got some impressive pecs. And arms.
  • Hugh Laurie (49). Has gotten far more attractive with age.
  • David Duchovny (48). He's showing his age lately, but you would be, too if your sex addiction led to the destruction of your marriage and then you had to go film a TV show about the same thing.
  • Clooney (47). I mean, it's Clooney.
  • Ralph Fiennes (46). He's got a pretty big nose, but when he's Voldemort, he has no nose, so it averages out.
  • Liam Neeson (56). I don't know, maybe it's the accent.
  • Brad Pitt (45). I know, but see, until maybe 3 years ago I did not find him at all attractive. And then one day, I was like, "Oooh, I get it."
So how do we feel about this list? Am I crazy? Or do you see where I'm coming from with some of these? Tell me about your weird celeb crushes.
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