☆ vote for theme 026! ♥ NEXT THEME LET'S GO! fufufu let's get to it!
☆ general theme → community icon!
OKAY GUYS, this is gonna be a little different! we're going to do a contest for the new shugo_awards icon! x)
all you have to do is make an icon that says 'shugo_awards' on it!
YOU CAN ONLY MAKE TWO ICONS. so if you win first place, your icon will get to be the one on each submission page! YOUR EXCITEMENT IS BUZZING, I KNOW.
etc etc you don't have to but the underscore, you can put an exclaimation point, etc etc. whatever you so desire xDD
☆ submission example
url: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8383/shugoawardswt0.png(general, lyrical, picture)
♪ Anime screencaps or manga scans are usable!
♪ You may submit up to two (2) icons!
♪ Icons must be uploaded by image hosting sites. [example;
Imageshack and
♪ All icons must be 100x100 and under 40KB in a .png, .jpeg, .gif, or .bmp format.
♪ You cannot show anybody you submitted icon/s until after winners are announced
♪ Questions? Ask them here! :3
Icons due to this screened post by Saturday, January 24th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM EST!
you do not have to make one icon for each theme. you can mix it up - do two of the lyrical, and one of general. or do all picture theme. the possibilities are endless! (kinda ;;)