I was hoping that my journal would start to sound more upbeat and less depressing but I guess it won't be starting with this entry.
I got a call from my Mom Saturday morning. She sounded upset, She told me that our sweet dog, Turbo had passed away in his sleep. I was shocked. very very shocked. He was 13 years old but he didn't have any health problems. In fact my Mom says he was acting quiet well the night and days before. We suspect a heart attack. I hate being here now. I really can't except it because I didn't get to see him before he died and I am unable to experience the house without Turbo. I was planning to go home next weekend for job training so I'm a little frustrated that he died a week before I could come home and see him. I wish I could have seen him. He was the coolest basset hound ever! He would always curse me out when I came home for vacations; barking at me for being away too long. He would always cuddle up when I needed it. He was my visual kei buddy with his one blue eye and one brown. My little punk basset with his studded leather colar. My sweet floppy eared buddy. I miss you!
I love you Turbo baby. You're always in my heart...