Have you ever noticed that there are people who just slip away... you never really fight with them or decide they're not your friends anymore, they just slip..away...
loss in communication, loss of time, loss of common interest.
maybe they were someone that you just didn't feel like you wanted to put in the extra time to keep in touch with them. It's intersting though... how we just let people slip away.
I know it's happened to me more than once... the slipping
I think it's natural... but still kinda sad
Today was a nothing day. I did the minimum amount of homework. I played Kingdom Hearts 2 (in Aaron's room) and cleaned up around my room.
Dullness... what causes that? We're our parents or Grandparents as board as we are when there is "nothing" to do. Is our attention span just that small?
New fish: Warumono!
He's coolio. His fins are all spiky. He's a crown tail Betta! I like him
I'm fighting with the inner me. The inner me is being retarded lately. It wants something easy while the other me is holding on to the hope of something that is close to impossable, improbable. It's all racing around in my head. Tug of war with the nuron strands.
Why am I such a downer lately? up and down up and down stupid roller coaster... I want off
even this letter makes me sound all Colliginous (gloomy and dark) What's up with that?
Where are the friggen rainbows and puppies? BAAAAH and what's with the self invited pitty parties I've been having? Well that's it... I've had it up to hear with myself! I better snap out of this or I'm... I don't know. shouldn't my brother getting married be like the coolest happiest most awesome thing ever? Then why do I feel like a pile of pooooo? -_-
wow... this whole thing makes no sence at all. Maybe I am just bored.
this was fun