
May 03, 2008 02:00

A dear friend from far away came in to visit. As is customary in his presence, amounts of beer were ingested and effects thereof were felt. He remarked upon my dusty gamecube and its controllers, at which point I could nought but concede that I was no true console gamer and that I'd had others in his absence. He relented and his fury was felt only when he was - somewhat controversially, perhaps - in control of Samus.

When the concept of our meeting was still a weak thing woven from the frail thread of question, probing and tentative promise, there was talk of "a band" that was, as was implied, magnificient in its presentation. Knowing nothing more of the matter I blindly agreed to to see the spectacle. What I witnessed was to my expectations like a shot of heroin is to a half an ounce of beer. Never in my life would I have thought that I'd live through an episode of time that would be the epitome of a medieval night at the tavern, but there it was. The folksy bunch responsible for the music quickly grabbed a hold and shook me, heart and soul. One of those times when I was glad for someone elses recommendations. I'll have to extort the name of the group from my friend, so that I'll be able to find out when they perform the next time.


Next: a few hours of sleep and after that some more MtG.
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