Feb 22, 2007 00:37
I woke up to the roaring of my laptop sometime in the afternoon. Business as usual.
Yesterday was moderately eventful and even exotic at times. Going to a sauna made of snow certainly doesn't happen everyday. Maybe it'll even be warm next year. This time it stayed at a comfortable (sauna, no clothes, remember) room temperature reaching a peak 46 degrees centigrade at one time. (It speaks volumes of my current living conditions that a room with walls and floor of snow was warmer than the one in which I reside. Just hanging around without a shirt gives me a sore throat here.) Later in the evening I got to bathe in a real sauna. The heat is what it's all about.
My recollections grow hazier as the evening progresses. Apparently there was live music. Someone danced, another one drank jägermeister on mint liquor. Might've even been me. Who knows? In the murky gloom of a cellar bar, all that is left is longing. For escape, for clarity, for another body to press against. And it all ends with you alone and shivering under your covers, rasping muted oaths at the twilight around you.
Tomorrow I'll know if I'll get my first ever ride in a tandem trailer this weekend.