Am i awake?

Dec 03, 2005 04:49

That was (is still?) THE MOST fucked up dream ever.

recently i've been sleeping on an airmattress under my bed, so i was under there when this dream happend/is happening. I heard somewhere that if you flip a lightswitch on and off but the light remains on or remains off then you're dreaming. There was music in the background in every dream, the same music. I left my iTunes on when i went to bed so in every segment was this same song that is pretty redundant, i'm guessing this whole dream lasted about 5 minutes base on the song's length.

In my dream:
I'm thinking about couches, having one in my apartment, how i don't want one because material items are a burden, selling them, my dad's nice couches vs. college apartment couches, past experience with couches, selling them, moving them, laying in them, all sorts of things. And i remember laying on my dads couch but walking to the kitchenand back or something. My dog Louie comes runnig up to me to say hi because i haven't seen him in a while. (My dad lives in Massachusetts and my mom lives in Wisconsin with Louie. So i was at my moms house with was my dads and there was louie) There were some details i'd rather not get into that has to do with urinated in the dogbowl becuase its ecological and not bad for the dog and i didn't like the idea and dumping the bowl outside. I watched that happen, my step dad was the one urinating in the dogbowl. (I think i figured out this was a dream at this point) I open the door the the deck thinking it would be cool to go to room i've neverbeen before. Sure enough there was another room. There was a table with two chairs one at the head facing the same way i was and another on the right side. To my right next to the table was the kitchen with a peninsula countertop. In the far side of the table from mee was a door with window in it and windows on the side of it. The same door i just walked through to get to this room. There was a purple light or purple glow to the room concentrated behind the table. So i go to that door and open it. Through the door is a room, the same crazy purlple room with a table two chairs and that kitchen. Open the next door and the next one faster and faster and its the same roomover and over. Then i stand there and door after door open for me and its the room over and over again. I scream.

So i'm on my bed (but in real life i'm under it) looking at my ceiling fan (which i don't have in my dorm) and the molding and fan blades start to move in strange ways and look like skulls and gargoyals and such. My legs feel tingly like their floating or very numb, a slightly different feeling then when you legs fall asleep. If i focused i could levetate my body off the bed. I was trying to reach the fan but couldn't. At this point i knew it was dream so i tried to make the most of it and fly. All i got was levitation and hallucinations of skulls and the most bizzare weather outside. Outside looked like total destruction from the movies, you know, a vast landscape of rubble and boulders. The sky was black but on the horizon was purple light and clouds. (It didn't seem strange that i can't see the building i usually see 100feet away from my window nor did it seem strange that i was on top of my bed not under it, and the ceiling fan seemed strange but didn't know why. The levitation gave the dream away) So anyway, i was trying to levitate and that is it, i woke up.

I tried to levitate again and couldn't so i'm like damn, that sucks. I hopped off my bed (remember, i should be under it) and as i'm stumbling of my shit to flip the light on. I see a dorm bed lofted to about neck height. On top sleeping was a blond girl under the covers. Under the bed was a dorm provided desk a futon chair thing with a big red beanbag chair on top being used as a blanked by this other girl that was so blond her hair was almost white. One of them woke up and then the other and they giggled and talked or something. I think i asked them when they moved the bed in my room. They told me its been there for 2 days and ijust didn't notice. (I live in a single dorm room and there is NO way you could fit another bed and desk in my room! there would only be about 2square feet of floor, literally). These girls took me down the hall around the corner and way past where i usually go and around another corner. I thought to myself "wow, i didn't know the building went this way. I've never been down here before." (in reality, it doesn't) They took me into a doorway where saw a room, THAT room! That room with the purple light table two chairs and a kitchen. I freak out.

Finially after being really freaked out and slightly paranoid i wake up, this time i'm under my bed. I roll out from under my bed, stand up and reflect on how crazy my dreams were. Just to make sure this wasn't a dream i was going to turn the light on. The light in the sink room i share with the room next to me clicks on and i see Charlie's feet reassuring that he's back from the night out and that this isn't a dream. I stumble over my shit again to get to the light and flip the switch. I reach out and grab a door handle to close the sinkroom door to get to the light switch. I grab the handle and both the door and i both fall ackwards on the bed which was kingsize and in the middle of the room. I got up in to flip the switch in a hurry because i was afraid this was a dream and i was afraid i got stuck in this weird fucked up cycle. I flip the switch on, nothing, off, on, nothing. I start to flip the switch on and off franticly hopeing to wake up.

Out my window was the same view from the other dream only instead of a purple light it was an orange-yellow glow. (the same orange-yellow color as the city lights through my window) There is a tornado out there and its comming, or moving, or something. I'm really freaked out now, i'm in a panic.

I wake up under my bed and still heard that damn music that was playing the ENTIRE time everythign was happening. "Holy shit, that was one fucked up dream but is this a dream?" I thought to myself. Stumbled over my shit to get to the light and everything seems real enough. My dorm is smaller than it was in previous realities, what i'm familer with. i turn the light on and it turns on. i walk to the bathroom and everything is normal. For real this time i think i'm up but still very paranoid. Then i got online and typed all this. Still kinda paranoid. I really hoped if i cycled backwards through the songs that have been played i'll run into that one song that was playing in my dream. 2 songs back there it was. 5 min long, its 4:30, and thus i was asleep for 2 hours and dreaming for about 5 min. Those 5 min felt like an eternity.

Thankfully i'm awake... i hope i am anyway.
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