(no subject)

Nov 16, 2005 00:46

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How many monkeys could small_pebble fight at once and win against? Seven.
2) If yid were hanging off a cliff, what would sarcasticmonk do? Laugh a lot.
3) How long would sleep_in_my_hat dating caitbean last? EEEEWWWW INCEST EWWWWWWW
4) dansbluerose's eye color? Brown.
5) If ashpiewastaken had a superpower, what would it be? Model power!
6) Is wilkesbothstyle an emo? Duh.
7) If sleep_in_my_hat and sublimebadfish were spliced together, what would be its name? Kyope (THAT is awesome)
8) Are hopes_so_high_ and yid going out? No
9) What is sleep_in_my_hat's shoe size? I don't know!
10) Does spiralinghalo have a big secret? Probably. That he's a drug dealer?
11) What would caitbean think of sublimebadfish? She thinks she's gross. And smelly.
12) Is potato_bread a nerd? What kind of nerd?
13) Is spiralinghalo athletic? He used to be
14) What would ashpiewastaken give spiralinghalo for his/her birthday? Ooooh I know this one...
15) Where did you first meet the_underdog? Under the toad tree.
16) If caitbean commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Friday crew!
17) Which of your friends should somnambulism245 go out with? Himself.
18) Where was wilkesbothstyle born? New York?
19) What planet should dansbluerose be from? Not this one
20) What flavor of jello would dansbluerose be? Green.
21) What song/movie would you recommend to small_pebble? I dont knoooow
22) Does areyoumyanang smoke? not ciggarettes
23) What color should happifacek dye their hair? none!
24) Does bikebuiltfortwo know hopes_so_high_? nope
25) Thoughts on the_underdog? She's smelly
26) Would raffi_by_day go out with ashpiewastaken? Umm....
27) Is ashpiewastaken single? Yes, as far as I know
28) Are caitbean and xtremeswiftness married? I dont believe so
29) Would xtremeswiftness and bikebuiltfortwo make a good couple? weirdddd
30) When did you last call potato_bread? too long ago :(
31) Does potato_bread travel a lot? not really
32) Where was hopes_so_high_ born? queens
33) Does dansbluerose have a dog? no
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