Impromptu comic gathering!

Jul 24, 2011 18:44

Yesterday, I met up with Banal Pig's Steve Tillotson for a drink in Leeds. We also stopped by Travelling Man, where Luke Pearson was signing his new book, Everything We Miss. Saving my pennies, I only had my Hildafolk comic for Luke to sign, but I had a good look through Steve's copy of EWM and it's a great little book. It also looks amazing in hardback. Jolly well done, Luke.

Also in attendance was Thought Bubble's very own Lisa, Darryl Cunningham, Nowbrow's Alex Spiro and John "Bad Machinery" Allison.

Steve, Luke, Lisa.

Lisa, John, Alex.

Plus, read my webcomic here!


john allison, thought bubble, alex spiro, luke pearson, darryl cunningham, banal pig

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