experiment alphabet soup is over. no one noticed. seriously look at my last 26 entries and you will understand. i'm kinda weird.
so this journal is saying goodbye. i'm not going to delete it or anything, but i won't be "active" on it. maybe i'll come back to it one day who knows.
anyway, pieces of me can be found on a new livejournal
tobytobersonarthonestly you will probably want to add that to your friends list unless you are just absolutely insane.
oh i won a trip to australia tonight playing poker. like prize package deal with hotel and air fare and spending money and buy-ins PAID FOR to like huge expensive poker tournaments at this casino in melbourne. all i had to pay was 30 dollars. pretty freaking cool i'd say. definitely the coolest thing i've ever done besides hit a stand up double off the best pitcher in the league in like 5th grade. but that was my only hit the whole year i think. so all that goes down in january. gonna be missing a lot of school and baby i just don't care.
i've got work tomorrow, but i'm pretty free this week...finally! hope to see everyone soon.
jake lets write that song.
who wants to be hall and oates with me for halloween?
so i feel like i should like say something profound but when it comes down to it i have nothing. but i will quote one of the most genius lyricists of our time, bob nanna of the band braid or hey mercedes whichever you like. i think this quote pretty much is awesome and pertinent if that is even a word:
"let's not settle for satisfaction. we are women and men of action. let's stop clapping--let's start DOING--a dream for the teens and inbetweens and twenties yet unseen."
but if that quote doesn't do it for you, perhaps this will.
in the words of the almost late and always great jimmy taylor:
"easily the biggest soi ya ever."