Yes AIDS was man made and released from a lab. There is numerous evidence for this. See Len Horowitz's research, esp 'Pirates of the Sacred Spiral' which will turn your consenus reality upside down: Odds on Avian flu and H5N1 are similarly generated with the end-game being mass panic and excuses for vast changes in basic human freedoms. Ill informed people will take any 'cure' proffered by the state... including 'FluMist'. Jon Rapport is consistently reliable in exposing the mass media drivel we're fed each day:
DECEMBER 19, 2005. Remember the absurd anddisastrous Bush smallpox-vaccine campaign in the US? The public waswarned that bio-terrorists might let smallpox loose, and thereforeeveryone in the US had to get shots.
Oops. A year or so later, so many medical people had come out ofthe woodwork to warn about the danger of the vaccine that the USgovernment quietly shelved the whole project.
The mainstream press accepted this whole scandal with barely a whimper.
Well, now the government is back . Not with another smallpox plan,but with an inhaled bird-flu vaccine. Here is the deal. Both vaccinesshare a common factor: the virus in the vaccine is LIVE, not killed.This is vital to understand. The smallpox vaccine campaign was stoppedbecause the virus in that vaccine was live. At the very least, anyonein the US who didn't have a very healthy immune system could getsmallpox from the shot.
In the case of this new experimental bird-flu vaccine, the virus isalso alive. Who knows what might happen to immune-compromised peoplewho snort it?
As you'll read below, in an article by Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, perhaps 60% of the US population is immune-compromised.
Then we have the risk that inhaled viruses can cross over into the brain. That could be dire.
The new bird-flu vaccine contains MSG. Do you want to snort that?
This vaccine is made by passing it through chicken eggs.Researchers always swear that the eggs are germ-free, but that'swishful thinking. There is a very real chance that various chickengerms are taken into the body along with the vaccine. Consequencesunknown.
I want to make it clear that I'm not in favor of vaccines, period.For healthy people or unhealthy people. The dangers are rife. And thereare actual ways to strengthen the immune system that don't involveshots or snorts or drugs.
So here are two articles about the new experimental bird-flu vaccine---
December 17, 2005 at 13:36:21 PST
NIH Uses Live Viruses for Bird Flu Vaccine
In an isolation ward of a Baltimore hospital, up to 30 volunteers will
participate in a bold experiment: A vaccine made with a live version
of the most notorious bird flu will be sprayed into their noses.
First, scientists are dripping that vaccine into the tiny nostrils of
mice. It doesn't appear harmful - researchers have weakened and
genetically altered the virus so that no one should get sick or spread
germs - and it protects the animals enough to try in people.
This is essentially FluMist for bird flu, and the hope is that, in the
event of a flu pandemic, immunizing people through their noses could
provide faster, more effective protection than the troublesome shots -
made with a killed virus - the nation now is struggling to produce.
And if it works, this new vaccine frontier may not just protect
against the bird flu strain, called H5N1, considered today's top
health threat. It offers the potential for rapid, off-the-shelf
protection against whatever novel variation of the constantlyevolving influenza virus shows up next - through a library oflive-virus nasal sprays that the National Institutes of Health plans tofreeze.
"It's high-risk, high-reward" research, said Dr. Brian Murphy, who
heads the NIH laboratory where Dr. Kanta Subbarao is brewing thenasal sprays - including one for a different bird-flu strain thatappeared safe during the first crucial human testing last summer.
"It might fail, but if it's successful, it might prevent hundreds of
thousands of cases" of the next killer flu, Murphy said.
FluMist is the nation's nasal-spray vaccine that prevents regular
winter flu. Developed largely through Murphy's lab, it's the only flu
vaccine made with live but weakened influenza viruses.
The new project, a collaboration with FluMist manufacturerMedImmune Inc., piggybacks cutting-edge genetics technology onto thatvaccine to create a line of FluMist-like sprays against different birdflus.
"That is a great, great idea," said Dr. John Treanor of theUniversity of Rochester, among the flu specialists closely watching theproject.
Regular winter flu shots are made with killed influenza viruses, and
the government is stockpiling experimental bird-flu vaccine made the
same way. But those bird-flu shots don't work as well as hoped.They require an incredibly high dose, delivered in two separateinjections, to spark a protective immune response in people.
"In theory, a live-virus vaccine might actually work better. We don't
know that because we've never tried one before," Treanor said.
Influenza is like a magician, constantly changing its clothes to avoid
detection, thus making it difficult to develop effective vaccines.
Studding the virus' surface are two proteins called hemagglutinin -
the H in H5N1 - and neuraminidase, the "N". They act as a wardrobe:
There are 16 known hemagglutinin versions, and nine neuraminidases.
They're also what triggers the immune system to mount an attack,
particularly hemagglutinin, the protein the body aims for when it
makes flu-fighting antibodies.
When people catch the flu, they usually get H1 or H3 flu strains,
which their bodies can recognize because variations have circulated
among humans for decades.
Occasionally, genetically unique strains emerge. Until 1997, H5
strains had never been seen outside of birds. The virus essentially
put on a coat that human immune systems didn't recognize. The result:
Since 2003, a particularly strong H5N1 strain has infected more than 130 people in Asia, killing at least 70.
H9 and H7 strains also recently have jumped from birds to people,
although so far they haven't been nearly as dangerous.
Researchers hope to create at least one live-virus nasal spray for
each "H" subtype, a project costing about $16 million of the NIH's
annual $67 million budget for flu vaccine research.
"The hemagglutinin is the major protective antigen, so that is what
we're focusing on," explained Subbarao, a molecular geneticist who
heads the project.
First on her list are the riskiest known bird flus: H5N1, with human
tests planned for April. H9N2, which recently underwent the first
round of human testing in an isolation ward at Johns HopkinsBayview Medical Center. Then an H7 strain, followed by an H6 strainbelieved to share genes with the H5N1.
"By no means are we confident we're picking the right strain" to make first, because flu mutates so easily, Subbarao cautioned.
She chooses vaccine strains from those that U.S. scientists who are
monitoring influenza in Asia cull from ducks, chickens and geese, and ship home for research.
Subbarao must customize those strains for safe vaccination: First,
using a new technique called reverse genetics, she selects genes for
bird-flu H and N antigens and removes genetic segments that makethem dangerous. Then she adds the remaining gene segments to theregular weakened FluMist virus.
Stocks of the custom virus are grown in fertilized chicken eggs.Each is then carefully cracked by hand to drain out virus-loaded liquidthat in turn is purified and put into a nasal spray.
In a high-security section of the lab, Subbarao dons a biohazard suit
and exposes vaccinated mice to various bird flu strains.
Then it's time for human testing - in a hospital isolation ward just
in case the weakened virus could infect someone.
It shouldn't, because "those problems don't exist in FluMist," said
Murphy, citing studies of regular FluMist in day-care centers where
youngsters routinely pass viruses back and forth.
Some studies have found that people can shed virus shortly after
receiving regular FluMist. But, "to spread infection, you'd need much more (virus) than replicates in the nose," he said.
Hopkins researchers gave the first of Subbarao's vaccine candidates-the H9N2 spray - to 30 volunteers last summer. To be sure theycouldn't spread the virus by coughing or sneezing, the volunteersunderwent daily tests of their noses and throats.
The vaccine appeared safe. Scientists now are analyzing whether it
also spurred production of flu-fighting antibodies, a sign that people
would be protected if they encountered the H9N2 strain. Subbarao
expects results by February.
In April, pending final Food and Drug Administration permission,
Subbarao will put an H5N1 spray to a similar test.
Here's the catch: Each flu strain has subtypes. An Indonesianversion of H5N1, for example, was recently discovered that differs froma Vietnamese strain on which Subbarao's nasal spray - and the
government's stockpiled shots - are based. She's now testingwhether her vaccine protects mice against that new Indonesian strain.
If a novel flu strain begins spreading among people, how willSubbarao tell if her stored nasal vaccines are a good match to fightit?
NIH also will store blood samples from the people who test those
sprays. Say a new H9 strain sparks an outbreak. That virus will be
tested against those blood samples, and NIH could predict within aday which spray candidates work. If one does, the government couldorder doses manufactured from that frozen stock; if none do, scientistswould have to try to brew a new vaccine.
How quickly doses could be manufactured is a different issue. All
influenza vaccines, shots or spray, currently are brewed in chicken
eggs, a time-consuming process that other research is seeking to
"These are research projects," Murphy stresses - the nasal-spray
concept could fail.
But he's optimistic. Live-virus vaccines, he maintains, are better
immune stimulators.
end AP article
Now here is a piece by Dr. Sheri Tenpenny---it discusses a priorversion of an inhaled flu vaccine (not bird flu). But the similaritiesare very relevant:
Risks of FluMist Vaccine
An Investigation By RFD [Red Flags Daily] Columnist, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
"MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMist, recently announced that itsigned an agreement that makes FluMist, the new intranasal influenzavaccine, readily available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, theworlds biggest retailer." [1]
As the physician in charge of a bustling Integrative medicalclinic, questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading aboutthe MedImmune-Walmart joint venture, I felt compelled to warn ourpatients and our internet subscribers of the potentially seriouscomplications that may come from direct and passive exposure to thisnew vaccine. I also wanted to give a "heads up" to everyone regardingthe onslaught of advertising that is about to besiege them.
Hundreds of TV and print advertisements have been designed topersuade everyone into taking the FluMist plunge. The campaign will bethe "most intense, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged fora vaccine," costing an estimated $25 million over the next 2.5 months[2]. In addition, Wyeth, MedImmune’s partner, plans a three-year, $100million campaign to encourage use of the nasal flu vaccine amongphysicians.[3]
The television arm of the blitz campaign will focus on the"inconveniences" that your family, friends and co-workers will endureif you don’t get the flu shot and subsequently contract the flu. Printadvertisements and magazine articles apparently will use scaretactics-similar to those that were used while promoting the smallpoxvaccine-which warned of the high possibility of a "bioterror attackusing the flu virus."[4]
Apparently, the goal seems to center around frightening-or inducingenough guilt-that everyone would begin to demand the vaccine as soon asit is available. And at nearly $70 a dose, this will be a financialbonanza for MedImmune and Wyeth, who are expecting the vaccine tobecome the blockbuster new drug that will push MedImmune’s revenues tomore than $1billion/year. [5]
However, there are many reasons for caution. FluMist contains live(attenuated) influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of thevaccine recipient. The most common side effects include "cough, runnynose/nasal congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle achesand fever > 100° F."[6] These symptoms are nearly identical to thosethe flu vaccine is designed to prevent. [7]
A cause for significant concern is the vaccine’s most prevalentside effects: "runny nose" and "nasal congestion." It has beendocumented that the live viruses from the vaccine can be shed (andpotentially spread into the community) from recipient children for upto 21 days,[8] and even longer from adults.[9] Viral shedding also putsbreastfeeding infants at risk if the mother has been given FluMist.[10]
In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can bedispersed through sneezing. What is the normal physiological responsewhen an irritant enters the nasal passages? A sneeze…sometimes a bigsneeze…sometimes several big sneezes. Therefore, the risk forshedding-and spreading-live viruses throughout a school, church,workplace, or store - especially one which is administering thevaccine.
In the section of the FlumMist package insert labeled "PRECAUTIONS," the manufacturer states the following warning:
"FluMist® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days."
The warning is specifically directed toward those living in thesame household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-goingrelease of live viruses throughout the community may be a significantrisk to everyone who has a weak, or weakened, immune system.
The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is enormous:
It is estimated that at least 10%, or more than 28 million people have eczema. [11]
More than 8.5 million people have cancer. [12]
There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS [13] and
Based on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients [14]
An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untoldmillions on drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone®, Medrol®, and avariety of similar medications are given to both adults and children.These drugs are prescribed for dozens of conditions including asthma;allergies; eczema; emphysema; Crohn’s disease; multiple sclerosis;herniated spinal discs; acute muscular pain syndromes; and all types ofrheumatoid and autoimmune diseases.
As much as 60% of the entire population could be considered to be"chemically immunosuppressed." It is important to realize that FluMistis CONTRAINDICATED for people who are immunocompromised. People whoreceive FluMist and are living with an immunocompromised person puttheir loved ones at risk.
Will this make stores that administer the vaccines-like Walmart andthe other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they willcarry FluMist [15]-risky places to shop for large segments of thepopulation? What measures will be taken in these stores to ensure thatthe virus will not become commingled with food? What hand washingpolicy is going to be enforced in the stores for all Walmart employeesand customers who have received FluMist?
These are reasonable questions that deserve answers.
The target market for FluMist is "healthy children and adults, ages5 to 49 yrs." Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of"herd immunity" will occur that will protect the very young and theelderly who are excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it isthese very "at-risk" populations who may suffer the most from the fluby being exposed to people who are given FluMist.
According to information presented at the May, 2003 NationalInfluenza Summit,[16] approximately 85% of Americans between the agesof 20 and 50 go unvaccinated, and nearly 66% between the ages of 50 and64 do not receive the flu vaccine. Have there been "raging epidemics"across the country due to lack of flu vaccinations? It appears that themassive campaign to vaccinate everyone this year appears may bemotivated, in part, by economics.
The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu thisseason were negligibly different from the strains used in last year’sflu vaccine. Therefore, the influenza vaccine produced for the2003-2004 season is identical in composition to the one used last year.This marks only the second time that the same strains have been usedduring two consecutive flu seasons.[17] Consider that antibodies fromother viral vaccines-such as MMR, polio and chickenpox vaccines-last atleast 3 years, and in some instances, up to 15 years. If the virusesused in the vaccine are the same as last year, why is this year’svaccine even necessary?
An ever greater concern about FluMist is the contents within thevaccine. Each 0.5ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles oflive, attenuated influenza virus. That means that between 10 millionand 100 million viral particles will be forcefully injected into thenostrils when administered. The viral strain was developed by serialpassage through "specific pathogen-free primary chick kidney cells" andthen grown in "specific pathogen-free eggs." That means that theculture media was free of pathogens that were specifically tested for,but not a culture that was necessarily "pathogen-free."
The risk that the vaccine may contain contaminant avianretroviruses still remains. In addition, a stabilizing buffercontaining potassium phosphate, sucrose (table sugar) and nearly 0.5 mgof monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each dose. [18]
One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this"chemical soup" is the potential for the viruses to enter directly intothe brain. At the top of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone calledthe cribriform plate. The olfactory nerves pass through this bone andline the nasal passages, carrying messenger molecules to the brain thatare identified as "smells" familiar to us. The olfactory tract has longbeen recognized as a direct pathway to the brain. Intranasal injectionof certain viruses has resulted in a serious brain infection calledencephalitis, presumably by direct infection of the olfactory neuronsthat carried the viruses to the brain.[19] Time will tell whether thelive viruses in FluMist will become linked to cases of encephalitis.
The pharmaceutical companies do not necessarily always do areasonable job of considering the "down side" when they are pushing newdrugs or new vaccines. FluMist has the potential for causing the worst,most severe flu epidemic seen in years. Parents tell their youngchildren not to put things up their noses because they might cause themharm. It would be wise to consider that advice for adults. With all therisks involved, one should be extremely cautious about what one allowsto be sprayed in one’s nose.
1)DowJones Business News. Sept. 12, 2003. FluMist Available InPharmacies This Fall. 2)Washington Post. Nasal spray for flu to get big media launch. Sept. 10, 2003, pg. E01
3)Washington Post. Spray vaccine for flu wins FDA clearance. June 18, 2003. pg. A01
4)Mohammed, Madjid. Influenza as a bioweapon. J.R.Soc.Med. 2003;96:345-346.
5)Adler, Neil. MedImmune awaits the $1 billion mark and a new fludrug. The Business Gazette. Feb. 7, 2003. 6)FluMist package insert.
7)Vesikari T., et al. A randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlledtrial of the safety, transmissibility and phenotypicstability of a live, attenuated, cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine(CAIV-T) in children attending day care. Presented at the 41st AnnualInterscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,(Chicago, IL). 2001
8) ibid. (Chicago, IL). 2001
9)Zangwell, Kenneth. Cold-adapted, live attenuated intranasalinfluenza virus vaccine. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2003;22(3):273-274.
10)Drug information. 11)Diepgen TL. Is the prevalence of atopic dermatitis increasing?In: Williams HC, ed. Atopic Dermatitis: The Epidemiology, Causes andPrevention of Atopic Eczema. New York: Cambridge Univ Pr; 2000:96-112.
12)National Cancer Institute. CanQues. Available at
http://srab. Accessed January 3, 2002.
13) Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. EpidemiologicalFact Sheets on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections: United States.Available at fact_sheets/index.html. Accessed January14, 2002
14) United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). All Recipients: Age atTime of Transplant. Available at /. Accessed January 14,2002.
15) Allan and Harold Rubin, MS, ABD, CRC. September 26, 2003.Vaccinations and the Elderly. 16)May 20-21, 2003, the National Influenza Summit. Chicago, IL. 17)ibid.
18)FluMist package insert.
19) Knipe, David. M. Ed. Fields Virology. Philadelpthis: Lippincott, 4th ed. 2001. pg. 1057
end Tenpenny article