Dec 20, 2005 05:14
It's that stupid Year End Review meme I kept meaning to do, and just kept forgeting.
Take the first few lines from each of your first posts for every month.
January - Badness lies this way
Oh god. I started developing my pics from Yaoicon. And there is just so much badness there. I know why fat girls shouldnt wear skirts that short.
February - Bitching to hear myself bitch, part deux
Yeah, slightly delayed, but I've been busy needlessly spending money at Ross. And trying to get a few things done before the Yaoi Slumber Party.
March - News Flashes
I had to take my cat to the vet yesterday for her check up and to have blood work done.
April - My turn (a meme)
Everyone has it. I don't think I could list all the people.
May - Head Like A Hole
NIN always reminds me of driving to Maryland with a guy who stranded me there and I had to fly home because I had a final Monday morning at 8.
June - Real Otaku Heroes
Presented by Pocari Sweat: Real Otaku Heroes.
July - TV show update
Soooo. Was just catching up on the QAFs I have TiVo'ed, and ARRRGG! How come they keep tearing Brian and Justin apart? It kills me! They belong together.
August - Keep your fingers crossed! And your toes too if you can!
Well, we contacted the rental agent about the house and he is holding it for us apon completion of our credit checks.
September - I wanna donate clothes
And I want them to go to the victims of Katrina specifically.
October - Yet another sign that I am not a nice person.
Last Wed morning I got home from work to find the idiot who has the reserved spot behind me parked in my spot. As I was very tired, and had to get up early for class that day, I was pretty peeved.
November - What happens at Yaoi Con...
...Gets posted in my Live Journal
December - The consequences of a self-effacing honesty
Ok. I'm just going to relay events as they happened, you can decide what to make of it.
So. Crap year from the looks of it, except I happen to know I didn't whine as much in the begining of the year as I did at the end of it. Did I? Powers, I hope not.