Let the fun begin...

Oct 29, 2004 06:57

Nabbed from kiriko_moth

Name a CD you own that no one else on your friends list does:

The September When - Mother I've Been Kissed

Name a book you own that no one else on your friends list does:

Something From The Oven - by Laura Shapiro

Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no one else on your friends list does:

Pie in the Sky

Name a place that you have visited that no one else on your friends list has:

Hell, Norway
Hell is a small village in Norway with a population of 352. It has become a minor tourist attraction because of its name - people like to take the train there to get photographed in front of the station sign. At the old warehouse in the station area there is a sign "Gods expedition", an archaic form of the Norwegian word for cargo handling office (godsekspedisjon). Which I have done, and have :) Hell in this form actually means "light". But to english speakers, this looks funny. The Norwegian word for hell is "helvete", and there are several places in Norway with that name as well.

No more days until Yaoicon! Time to start getting ready and getting everything packed up. See you all there! And please, try not to laugh at me too much.

ycon, meme

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