This is my assigned holiday to work. Assigned cause I am low woman on totem pole. Understandable, I was only hired in April. However, my regular shift is 11pm to 7:30am, but LFS decided to be generous and close to call center for 24 hours on Saturday. This means instead of working my usual overnight shift, I am now stuck here on my least favorite time of day to work, 3 to 11:30pm. Afternoon swing sucks ass. Thank god it's slow. Anyways, if I have to be here while the freakin sun is still up, I'm gonna bitch about it. So here is the plan, I'm just gonna add to this post as things occur to me.
Starting with the other day I got an email from my boss. I'm not allowed to plug my laptop into the network anymore. They're afraid I might release a virus or something. Whatever. I use it to stream music and use Yahoo and MSN chat cause I can't do it on my workstation. Occasionally I will surf from there, but usually not.
Oh my fucking god. This woman will not shut the hell up! I was hoping to be by myself all the way over here tonight, and the chattiest grave person is the one I have to work with tonight. I'm trying to read for pitys sake! I should have moved over to Mimi's side, cause at least I like talking to the ppl who were in my new hire class. ARG!
Well, THATs the last time I read a story without pairing warnings. I just spent almost the better part of 2 hours reading what is turning out to be a Draco/Hermione story. *shudder* Het. Ewww! That is time I will never get back! Or rather, het that isn't Spike/Buffy. I could have been reading, I dunno, legal briefs or something. Sheesh. Course, the basic plot has a hook that I want to know the end to, and so I sorta have to finish just to know what the significance of the map is.
Stupid lame ass story.
I am on the site with that stupid lame ass story, and it has a whole bunch of authors from a ton of different fandoms, but no pairing listings. Well, it has a few, but they seem to be all het. And it's been so long since I've really seen plain ole het stuff where it wasnt just part of some larger slash/yaoi story. It's disconcerting. People actually write that stuff?
And someone is writting Real person/muppet fics.
evilpuppy, would you be interested? I'm not sure if it's bad fic, but it might be worth a look. Just scroll through the authors cause there is more than one.
Oh no. I stuck around the site and found a story with Spike. I love Spike. I could just read a story about Spike doing random stuff. But Spike/Tara? *sigh* I need a new site. Or to just pop a disc in and watch Buffy. Or knock myself out with a balpeen hammer. On the other hand, manderin oranges. Yum!
I settled on watching Buffy. I was wandering the rows earlier and I didnt realize this, but there are some cuties working here on the swing shift. Huh, all this time, I didnt think there was anyone to get dressed up for. Not that I will start dressing up, no chance in hell I work swing without being forced.
We are barely more than half way through the shift. Man this sucks ass. I need a nap. I'd usually only be waking up right now.
Will this night ever end? I wanna go home, dream of sugarplums, wake up and open my presents.
The light at the end of the tunnel. 1 hour left.
Woohoo! 20 minutes left! Did I mention presents in the morning? Thats it. We're calling it here. Happy Xmas everyone, and a Merry New Year!