ok so in my last post i promised pictures... and yes i got them developed and onto my computer. BUT being the lazy person i am, i simply just put them on webshots sooo im gonna give yall my webshots address. leave me comments on here about the pics tho! (homecoming isnt on there yet bc i havent gotten those developed yet)here we go..
http://community.webshots.com/user/stefw1thanf yay tomorrow is thursday, but umm here in midlo we're treating it as a friday.. thats right, 3 day weekend! you know what that means?..1 extra night besides friday that i can go out without having to worry about working the next morning. i am sched. to work saturday night though until 11 but thats ok bc if i go out tomorrow night and friday i can pretend saturday is really sunday?! yah i donno if that made ANY sense at all.
so yah i havent seen britt ash tina or meg in like years it seems like. its been since their homecoming which was october 23. wow thats like 2 or 3 weeks..CRAZY i tell ya, crazzzzy!
oh and the new job thing? yah umm still havent found anywhere to apply. the new atlantic tanning opened up & they are accepting applications BUT you have to be 18 and that i am not. i donno where to apply..i was thinking either american eagle or hollister basically bc i love both of those stores & they both close by 9 atleast since they're at the mall, but i mean theyre open on holidays.. i dont do holidays; those are the busiest days of the year.any suggestions yall?
aw i went down to nagshead last weekend with jenn & her family.. it was nice and relaxing and funny and yes. i wanna go back, only for a longer period of time!
GUESS WHAT?!..ok so you cant really guess guess... but my birthday is in exactly TWO MONTHS! i know i know 2 months is a L-O-N-G time but i dont care bc im excited and know what im gonna do to celebrate already. :) this year has been a good one, had some rough times but i got through them all safely & ive had the time of my life when im not depressed or worried about anything. i can honestly say that from august up until now i have been truely happy with everything in my life.. i wouldnt change a thing. (ok i lied, i would give myself a boyfriend but im okay with just being friends w\ all the guys right now)
and im done for now..i promise ill start updating this more often, hopefully every day but i cant promise that one!