Well, it's official. My new orders come Feb 02, 2008 will take me to Norfuck...Norfolk, VA. Though I loathe Norfolk (as most of the Navy does), these orders are kind of sweet. I will be ship's company on a LHD! Specifically, the USS Bataan. Behold:
This is known as a "gator freighter" meaning that have of the crew are Marines. Marines don't believe in this politically correct bullshit so the bullshit that exists in current command will be washed away. There are over advantages:
1. It's not a bloody aircraft carrier!! Granted, it may look like one to you civilians but it's actually a smaller ship. Carriers normally have a complement of over 5,000. This one has 1,000. Not only does that make the folk onboard more family but it's easier to make rank. Marines do not compete with Navy so instead of competing with 500 Navy folk. Lot better odds. Also, it's easier to get you Air Warfare and Surface Warfare qualls on those too because you will be dealing with 500 sailors as opposed to 5,000.
2. You hit a LOT more ports. Because a LHD is not nuclear powered, it need supplies more. Plus the fact that it is smaller than a carrier, it can fit into more ports too. So you see the world more.
3. Because of the smaller flight deck, you have less aircraft. And in my job, that means less work. Also, unlike a carrier, LHD's only have Helicopters and Harriers...both of which hover up and down. Basically, that means you don't have a bird slamming down on the deck which means shit doesn't break as easily. Again, less work.
4. These orders basically require me to do the job that I have been doing here for two years. So no relearning shit. I will arrive knowing my gear and how to do stuff as opposed be arriving clueless like I did at this command.
So there we are. I leave this command Feb 02, 2008. I have to be onboard by Mar 16, 2008.
I would not be honest if I said that I was totally psyched. I'm a bit scared going to "the boat". But at least this is a cooler boat. People in my shop who have been out to see tell me that they are jealous of the orders that I have. I guess I can take comfort in that. However, I'm still a bit intimidated.