2017 in review.

Dec 31, 2017 14:01

When I first started pondering this annual post, I thought, "I'm not sure what I'm going to write about; nothing really happened this year." Then I started looking through my pictures, and I became overwhelmed by the number of things that had happened this year, all of which I evidently forgot about. So I'll try to mostly tell the tale through photos, and keep the words to a minimum. "Try," I said.


Two half Ironman races and one full Ironman this year, all done with my Adorkable posse, Karen, Trista, and Cecilia. We had SO MUCH FUN, and I'm so happy that I was included in all of the ridiculousness. FOMO is real and oft irresistible, you guys.

Post Ironman 70.3 Texas in early April

Post Ironman Texas in later April

Post Ironman 70.3 North Carolina in October

Bonus Adorkables photo, just because it's absurd.

Otherwise a couple training rides, a couple local sprint triathlons, then some training trail races when I transitioned into Rocky Raccoon 100 training in September.

Wild Hare 50k in November

Oh, and yoga with baby goats.

Needs no caption.

Training totals for 2017:
Swim: 85h 07m 06s - 270386 Yd
Bike: 189h 59m 24s - 2984.51 Mi
Run: 241h 23m 15s - 1428.53 M

Total: 516 hours

More working out than in 2016, though 162 fewer miles run (making it my second highest miles run in a year, thanks to Rocky 100 training beginning in the Fall), still 68 fewer hours working out than my highest volume year in 2014 (Ultraman training).


Aside from the trips associated with the above events (Galveston, Houston, and Wilmington, NC), my sister and I also took my mom out to west Texas for a wonderful Mother's Day hiking trip. It was one of my favorite family trips ever.

Love my family so much.

In June Matt and I went to Matt's hometown, Midland, MI, for a big Bush family reunion.

There are a lot of Bushes. Fortunately they were all wearing nametags.

We also took a completely spur of the moment week of vacation with the dogs in Colorado. We both just needed to get away. It was amazing, and we're so glad we went.

Shepherd in paradise.

Greyhound in paradise.

And finally our annual Christmas in Concan.

So much fun.

Misc other

For several years we went to maybe 1-2 movies a year. This year we've somewhat fallen back into the habit of going to the movie theater, seeing 1-2 movies a month. It's been fun.

We've also tried to see more shows, including From the Top, Zoe Keating, They Might Be Giants, and Sylvan Esso.

Zoe Keating at the Parish

As usual, I read a lot of books, too. A lot of female authors this year, which makes me pretty happy.


And finally.. dogs. They're great.


Usually people begin the year with fresh new vows and resolutions and intentions. Usually *I* do that. I've typically done some big event in the Fall or Winter, and I've just begun or am just about to begin my training for the next big thing. It's a somewhat different and strange place where I am right now, where my training is peaking for my next big event, which is about a month away. No new beginnings, just a whole lot of continuing to run. A lot of 4am wake-ups during the workweek before working a full day. A lot of laundry. A lot of exhaustion. It makes the new year seem slightly less shiny and new. But I'm also excited that it's almost here. I just have to get through the next few weeks of hard, long runs, then I can start to taper. Then I'll toe the start line for what will presumably be the hardest thing I've ever attempted, a 100 mile trail run.

And after that? The rest of 2018? Well, let's just live through this first.

Happy New Year to you all!

newyear, photos, yearinreview, dogs, 2017, matt

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