Creepy Crawlies & Critters 10k trail run 2015 race report.

Feb 09, 2015 19:30

First "race" of 2015! Er.. second RUN of 2015! Maybe a little non-ideal.

I took January completely off running. Zero miles. I was hoping that my heel pain would just magically go away if I didn't run, but alas it really didn't. So if it's going to hurt anyway, might as well run, eh? (And maybe look into other solutions to fix it. Maybe. But mostly just start running again.)

I returned to running on 2/1, with a slow and dismayingly sore-inducing 3 miles. Right around that same time, I also won a free entry to the last race in Trailhead Running's 2015 trail run series! In.. a week. They had a 5k and a 10k, and I figured since I already knew I could run 3 miles, why not give myself something to work toward (in a week), and sign up for the 10k? Which I did. I figured I'd run maybe 5 miles on Tuesday, 3 miles on Thursday, and then be good to run 6 on Saturday.

And then I got sick, and ran exactly zero additional miles the rest of the week. I felt well enough by Saturday to do the run, but I felt fairly ill-prepared, having run a total of 3 miles in the past ~40 days.

I had no goals other than to finish the 10k, and preferably not fall or injure myself. And I achieved all of those goals!

Um, okay, so I started a little dramatically. But Tom was right there in the middle of the path taking pictures!

Pam and I started together, and ended up running the entire thing together. We just spent the whole time chatting and catching up and amusing the people around us with our nerdy, endless banter.

I had no idea Pam was trying to give me bunny ears. PAM!

The course was lovely, not technical, and full of volunteers, most of whom were also friends, so it mostly went by really quickly. Well, except after 2 miles, I was already tired and a little sore, and mentioned to Pam that 5k really seemed like a delightful distance.

Pam got really shovey as we came through the first loop.

But we finished the first loop and didn't question heading out for a second, and had just as much fun on the second loop as the first (but with a bonus stop for hugs and chatting when we came across Jody, doing her first trail race).

Fun! We are having it!

Overall, I had a lovely time. I was ridiculously sore for only having run 6.2 miles, and for only having run it in 1:12, but it really just shows you how quickly you can lose fitness if you don't use it.

I love this shot that we had no idea was being taken!

Fortunately I also know from experience that it comes back really quickly, if you're consistent. And hopefully now my illness is over, my hiatus is over, my motivation will return, and I can pretend to be a triathlete again.

Emily, Pam, Amy and Betsy celebrating their completed 10k with some Jazz Spock!

trailrace, pam, creepycrawliesandcritters, racereport, betsy, run

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