
Jan 24, 2006 10:25

As I mentioned, we were supposed to run 21 miles this last weekend, and I only got up to 17. As such, Coach Tracy really wants anyone who didn't run over 20 yet to run 20 this coming weekend. I'm already signed up to run the 3M half marathon this weekend. We're doing a group warmup of 2 miles (so everyone else is doing 15 total). I told her that if I was feeling good, I'd keep running once I crossed the finish line and try to get up to 20. She said I shouldn't, because everyone else would be done at that point and we'd be having a little party and fun and blah blah blah. So she wants me to run 7 miles before 3M. 3M starts at 7am. It will take me nearly an hour and a half to run 7 miles, in all likelihood. That means getting up at 4am to be at the race site by 5:30am and run 7 miles before the event starts. That means forcing Matt to find another ride so I can take the car.

All of that sounds so unappealing. Nearly unappealing enough to just say "screw 3M" and go run 20 miles on my own, just to not deal with the hassle. Which I don't want to do, because I DO want to run 3M, and I already paid for it.

So that makes me want to say "screw running 20 miles" and just deal with feeling really bad at/after Freescale because I only got in a single 20 mile run and no runs over 20.

I hate frustration. Especially over stuff as meaningless as this.

(Addendum: Tracy subsequently suggested that I could actually run to the event itself. Not a bad idea. I'll hafta see what that would be for mileage.)
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