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Sep 19, 2005 23:16

Okay! It's time to update about what the hell went on in Brorfelde, because some serious stuff took place there. And a lot of it involved me. Remember, most of the following took place while all of us were quite drunk.

Thursday: Met up with the rest of my geography class (we were 73 people) and drove out of Copenhagen in two busses. We spent the next seven hours driving around on Zealand looking at some quite interesting grographical phenomenons, like the Storebælt bridge, a train station town (Viby Sjælland) and some other really interesting things. But after seven hours in a bus we were really ready to start losing control, so the beers our tutors started handing out after the last stop (a cute little fishing town) we were all very very happy. We drove to our destination in the middle of Zealand (near Holbæk), which was positioned in the little of a dead ice landscape (yes, we are geeks) with several came hills and all that jazz. The first thing they did? Was to take our cell phones and watches, which really was the bets thing they could have done, because we were all just...there. In the moment. The entire weekend. When we woke up, we didn't know what the time was and we couldn't text/call our friends to tell them what we'd done the previous night (*cough*). Anyway! We all changed into our costumes (me=doctor) and went to the tent where we were going to eat. The doctors all sat at the same table in our white gowns and we drank the bottle of Dr. Nielsen the tutors gave us (the other groups were truckers, farmers, geeks and so on). We had the best. time. ever. After dinner the dance floor began to fill up and I started to dance with a lot of the guys. One of the tutors had been starring at me all day, so I thought it would be quite fun to dance with him. Except he ended up kissing me. And I've regretted that many many times since, because...no. Not with him. He's too...ydrk. So I got the girls to save me and danced with some of the others (geeky!Thomas ("You're giving me a hard-on when you do that...!"), Jonas ("You're really good at that!" *raised eyebrow*), Christian ("God!") and so on). And then I went to bed.

Friday: We were woken up by the tutors, but I really didn't have a hang-over, which surprised me a great deal. But it was a good surprise! Anyway, when we got down to the tent we had all of three minutes morning gym to the rhythms of Shakira. Heh. But at the party the day before we had a box put up which we had called the Carma Box (Karma Kassen), where people could write what they wanted. What had they written about me? "Teresa has been with seven guys tonight!" And I hadn't! I'd only danced with a lot! It was so embarrassing! But some of the rest were so incredibly stupid and funny and I loved it all. We all just sat in the sun on the pavement for an hour or two, doing nothing. It was so great. At some point during the afternoon we were split into girls and guys to do some bonding. The guys took one of the came hills and made a "Guys Only territory" and us girls had a drinking game (god, I love Fiskefjæs) which involved a poster of some nude models and cocktail sausages on pins. Good times, good times... Then we sat on the grass, drinking and smoking water pipe until the guys we ready to come down again. Dinner was eaten and then some more dancing and drinking. And then the kissing began. First I kissed Laura and Kathrine, but that doesn't really count, because they're my friends. Then I danced with Mikkel and we kissed one or twice, but that was only for the hell of it (seriously, we were dancing to "Kender du det" like maniacs). And then I started flirting with Anders. Oh, how I loved it. And now, my little friends, is when you have to read very carefully. Because then the Night Run started. We were split into seven groups and I was sadly not in Anders' group, but we made up for that later. The first place we had to drink a bottle of cherry wine (awful stuff...!) and a bottle of milk. Vertically. With no parts of the body on the grass (singing our new song, "Team 2 will gladly swallow" or "Hold to sluger gerne". Courtesy of Timo). We did the task somewhat quickly and moved on pretty fast. The next place we had to carry each other back and forth to one of the tutors, who then gave us a shot to drink. And then he told us they gave us nudity points and kiss-up points, though only Christian and Laura got semi-naked (actually, no. The more I think about it the more i think I stripped down to my bra, too...!). Third place was where it all happened. We immediately started groping the tutors and Laura, Kirstine and I stripped to our bras while doing so. And I started kissing one of them. A lot. Oh, yes, I did. The task was to drink a bucket of cherry wine and recreate a Lego figure, which we did with some success. But the kissing was good...! We moved on to number four, but Kirstine and I didn't put all of our clothes back on, because were just wasting time putting it on and taking it off all the time, so we just wore a shirt, which we quickly took off at the next place. Which was were it really went wrong. Our group ended up not needing to do the task, because of what happened next: Laura and I stripped to our bras (as usual) and more or less attacked one of the tutors. We seriously took him down and took turns kissing him. He really liked getting his bottom lip bitten. I have to remember that... After about five or ten minutes the other tutor (interestingly enough, a girl) moved us along. The fifth place we had to take turns singing along to a song and the rest had to guess what the song was. We so rocked at that. I sang "We are the champions" in my bra. After finishing the task we we all dancing up against the tutors until the next team arrived. The last place was sadly enough two girls, so we got Christian and Timo to strip and give them back rubs while Laura and I gave them foot massage. And that was it! We went back to the house, singing our song and went to the dance floor (with me still only in my Hummel shirt). I danced silly with two guys (Kalle and Thomas (or Hr. Warnar as Kalle called him. Not geeky!Thomas) for so long and I had so much fun! Then I found Anders (who is like 30 cm higher than me). And we started kissing, though not that much. Mostly just teasing ("You're so naughty" or "du er så fræk...!", which I couldn't really take seriously). But Anders has this girl he wants to get together with, so it didn't go beyond that. I found that first tutor of the night and we kissed some more. Then he invited me to join him in the bathroom and I just laughed at him and walked away. I danced some more with Kalle and we had some shots. He had sprained his ankle, so I followed him home (he said the funniest things. "I want to be the guy inside Michael Wulff") and we said goodnight. I want to be Kalle's friend. Then I went to bed.

Saturday: And still no hang-over. I was starting to get suspicious. Nothing awful about me in the Carma Box ("Kathrine and Teresa made out last night". Heh. Oh, but my "Lars, keep your fucking hands to yourself" got a whole lot of clapping). More chilling in the grass in the sun and more beer and water pipe-smoking. Then the male tutors found some plastic and liquid soap and made a slide-thingie. It was SO much fun to watch! The tutor I was with the day before took it standing with a guitar and Mads went all the way into the bushes at the end of the lawn. Then some more group games took place, but by then I was to tired to do anything but curl up on a blanket in the sun. Oh, and my voice had disappeared by then. The dinner was the "Formal Dinner", though no one had expected it, so we weren't prepared. The girls had to pick a city in a bowl and the guys a country and then we were paired up. Who did I get? Michael! But we had a lot of fun (who knew that the capital of South Dakota was Pierre?) and I told him about my...*cough*...conquests. I think he was a bit shocked, actually. Some Sangria and a triple Fiskefjæs and life was good. We cleared the tables and who showed up as the surprise of the night? A samba teacher! I was seriously *ecstatic*! I've wanted to dance samba since I was, like, five years old, but I've never gotten around to do it. And I rocked, so much. I got her business card afterwards, so now I kinda have to do something about it...! We went to the dance floor to try out our new moves and Laura and I made a deal to go after the tutor we'd both kissed, but he looked so frightened when we went over to him, so we dropped it. I found Anders yet again and we kinda stood togethe talking for a while. I put my hands in his pocket and I noticed something warm against my fingers. Which was when I realised he wasn't wearing any underwear. What did he say? "Du er så fræk...!" Yessir. But it was seriously so funny ;) I danced with Kalle and Thomas Warnar again and then some with Mads, who I hadn't talked to throughout the trip. He's gotten a girlfriend about 10 days ago, which I only found out on Wednesday. I wasn't really that disappointed, because I think I'm over him, but he was so sweet about it, because he asked Laura on Thursday, "has Teresa heard I have a girlfriend? How did she react? Is she okay about it?". Aww... He's so sweet *loves* I stayed up some more hours, but when I was about to fall asleep on Andreas from my Culture geography group, he sent me home with a guy called Henrik. I think Henrik thought we were going to get hot and heavy in the grass (as if!), but I more or less just crashed in my sleeping bag.

Sunday: The dreaded hang-over arrived. On the last day, none-the-less. We cleared the house we slept in before going down to breakfast. We last Carma Box was read up and I got what I deserved. "Teresa gramser", which I can't translate, but it is a sexual way of touching people. It was really kind of embarrassing, though not really, because everone knew anyway... And Team #2 won the Night Run, so I wasn't slutty for nothing *cough*. Karthrine and I couldn't concentrate at all, so we took our broken voices and joined Mads and Christian in some beds in a house, where we just laughed and had fun while the others cleaned up. So much fun. Mads and the best and most ironic comment, ever: "No, really?! You touched people? And kissed them!? I can't believe it!" I just think he was jealous ;) I sat next to Birgitte on the way home and life was good. None of us wanted to go home, but we really couldn't stay in that house any longer. It was with mixed feelings we said goodbye to the house. When I got home I crashed on the couch and slept for two hours. I got dinner in my room, watched FC Copenhagen kick ass and slept 10 hours more.

Today was really quite fun, in spite of the fact that all of us were more dead than alive. Anders was so much fun, because he just instantly started smiling the times I passed him in the halls. I saw that first tutor and i regretted kissing him even more. Laura and I stayed until 7 pm to finish our Natural geography assignment for tomorrow. It really ended up being quite good, I must say. The funniest thing, though, was mine and Kathrine's voices. They didn't exist. Jesper kept laughing whenever one of us started to speak and Laura got sympathy pains in her throat. Michael and Timo didn't come because both of them had gotten diarrhoea o.O

Life is good. Though some of the things I kinda want to take back...!!

happy, squee, rl, geography, crush

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