there's a thin line

Nov 21, 2008 00:10

i have a lot of thing that i love and hate at the same time.
i often find myself conflicted about just anything.
i never listen to my guy and go with my second guess and end up really
tonight i had to return a salad at dinner cause the
radicchio was way to fucking violently bitter.
it was uneatable.
our server took it back and i refused anything in its place.
when the check came the salad was on the bill....
should i have said something???
i was conflicted the whole mind spinning.
so of course i went with my second reasoning and payed for the salad but left
the bare minimum as a tip.
when i knew the whole goddamn time
i should have said, 'i took two bites of that salad, i really dont think i should pay for some thing i didnt consume"
but i didnt say anything.

and see, this has been my entire existence.

a huge bitter salad.
and i pay for it every time i get handed it.

what is it.
part coward.
part self-doubt
part inadequacy

my friend (whom i had dinner with this evening)
is in a hideous relationship.
(she cheats, controls and manipulates him to get what she wants ie: iphone, jewelry)
like normally i will not associate people who treat other
people this way
but ive known the girl since jr. high and so its hard to just break it off.
the whole time i wanted to yell at her and tell her what a monster she is being to
this guy and how can she even live with herself??
but i didnt...
i listened biting my tongue.
who am i to tell her how she should be....
god knows i've done my fair share of being mean to boyfriends
but they deserved it!!!!(trust me there IS such a thing as deserving to be cheated on etc.)
but her poor boyfriend is a miracle of a guy....
he's unfortunately not a man.
that is his demise
that is her trophy.

so everyday im hating and loving things.
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