Jul 11, 2008 01:44
I'm going to start my period.
I'm crying
to my netflix season 4 finale of The L Word.
Pretty pathetic.
Then I started thinking too much
about my life and this life
and your life
and how we're all here just to shit on one another.
People expect certain sympathies because of their experiences.
They think, "I went thru this and that now you need to be accommodating to ME!!"
Why is that?
(And, I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for you.)
Wake up.
Grow up.
Become the person you want to live with for the rest of your life.
Cause baby I know those Dior sunglasses don't keep you warm
at night.
I'm on the pooper reading Paper Magazine
more like perusing,
(we all know extended time on the toilet is a no-no for that rear region)
I'm perusing, and I come across that near-the-end fashion section
'note from kim'
where the next 25 pages are graced with model after self-deprecating model
wearing the most hideous of,
dare I call that fabric, 'clothing' because lets get real here
no one can honestly wear that shit and be comfortable or not look like a psychopath.
(yes, yes I know we're all well aware of the supressing fashion industy, and I've watched
the Devil Wears Prada, so I'm well aware of the huge 'contibutions' Gucci
made to my choosing of a $20 pair of Forever 21 jeans made in Thailand..
I'm not even going there!)
This is about what I looked at in a Magazine,
those models...
stiff, stone cold,
Was this a statement?
or is this really how women are viewed in our society?
it was disturbing.
I understand the "art" aspect, however
isint art supposed to immitate life?
or is it the other way around?