Infestation of ants....

Feb 22, 2014 12:19

This morning when I was in the kitchen, I noticed a line of ants disappearing into my gluten free baking cupboard.  The cupboard is wall mounted and at head height, so the ants were following the base of the cupboard, going across the bottom of the exhaust fan slide out thingy over the stove and then disappearing into the cupboard at the corner of the door.

Since the cupboard contains mostly sealed plastic containers and packets of various flours which if opened are then placed in a zip lock bag, I was kind of curious as to what they were making a beeline for. Had they suddenly developed a fetish for shredded coconut, or baking powder? Or was it the bottle of vanilla that had caught their attention?

My flatmate had at some point put some packets of dried fruits (mostly unopened) in the cupboard and when I started pulling everything out to clear out the cupboard I found an extra addition that the ants were going crazy over. Rigt up the back, next to my opened packet of no-egg, was an opened packet of crystallised ginger that at some point my flatmate had used and put into the cupboard....ants all over it, and inside it, gorging on crystallised ginger.

It is now in the outside bin, the cupboard has been cleaned out, all other products wiped down (the ants were examining the jar of treacle, and the tin of cooking cocoa but aside from that, not interested in much else), other dried fruits will go into a plastic tub before returning to o cupboard, and I have disposed of rather a lot of dead ants.....

We will see how long my kitchen remains ant free.
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