Mar 01, 2005 16:04
Well there is a snow day today... kinda sux for all the underclassmen
cuz i dont have 2 make up n e of them!!! i graduate either way so it
doesnt matter 2 me. kinda did nothin 2day... no work thats always a plus..
i gotta work thursday, friday, saturday n sunday kinda stinky... but i get
2 work w/ashley so its kinda cool... but i gotta work 7-3 so it is kinda
sucky... i cant wait to graduate its gonna be so awesome... i am finally
gonna be outta the school forever!!! but i cant wait till college... i want
to go to BSC but i need to go to Massasoit first then transfer...
Um... theres really nothin else my life is def a bore... i will talk
2 u kiddies later