Feb 15, 2005 22:13
Okay, so I just weighed myself and the outcome was dissapointing, but not entirely unexpected.
Weight = 12st 10lb (basically the same)
Body fat = 25.1 %
Hydration = 54.6
I know what has gone wrong. Basically I have had too much fun in the past week. Its not really possible to lose weight whilst drinking for four out of the seven nights. Harvey would shout at me, and I know I have let Fordham down, but I see this as a minor glich. Exercise wise, things have been going well. The cast is now off, but I have been told not to do any heavy weights for another six weeks. Which is pretty bent, but it does give me more time to do some fat busting exercise! I think my plan now has to be to take things back to basics, return to the good form I had in the first week. The only problems I can forsee are that I am going to see mastodon on thursday (drinking) and a house party on saturday (drinking) and I expect I will be doing the pub quiz thing on sunday.
So, what have I been up to?
WEDNESDAY 9/2/5 : Went to see downset at the Bierkeller. Got in free, result. Plus, they were bloody amazing. Much better than I expected. Might even get one of their newer albums. On the way home, I was mysteriously sick. Odd because I only had about six pints. Oh, I had fried chicken from licken chicken (hardly diet fare).
FRIDAY 11/2/5 : Went with TDR to yeovil to see them play and attempt to flog some merch. On the way down I drank a load of vodka and lemonade. I also managed to spill about half a pints worth over my crotch. With the aid of a newspaper and the van heater, I managed to arrive in a more or less dry state. The crowd were very young, average age 16 I think. Still, that meant a lot of space at the bar, so I was able to get in a fair few thorns. TDR played well under unfortunate circumstances. I dont recall selling any merch though. The journey back involved a lot more vodka and lemonade whilst singing along to Queens greatest hits Arrived back in Bristol and went to the academy. I have never felt so out of place at an alternative night. What has happened to the atmosphere there? Its fucking horrible! So I went to the keller and had a few newcastle browns before heading home with a kebab (again, probably not the best thing on a diet!).
SATURDAY 12/2/5 : Actually quite a healthy day. Until Ben and Tom turned up and told me that I could easily get hold of some coke. In the end I couldnt, but I did a few pills instead. That gave me a very thirsty neck, so again I ended up drinking.
SUNDAY 13/2/5 : Went to the jersey lilly pub quiz again. I think I had about 10 pints, plus a few vodka lemonades. And I had another kebab. We came fourth in the quiz. Not bad really, all we need to complete our team is a history expert.
Right then, posse out. Hopefully, next weeks weigh in will be slighty better. Definately no kebabs this week, and I might try and limit my drinking on thursday and sunday to 5 pints. Or maybe even wine! BENT!