Jan 06, 2007 18:12
i have high hopes for the new year but i didn't exactly get off to a running start. i blame my current addiction to House (among other excuses, this is the most recent). i've been struggling to cram in watching as many episodes as possible before my Blockbuster total access trial runs out. which is in a few days, thankfully. then i'll get back to being a normal person living a normal life instead of staying up til the wee hours to watch, oh, 8 episodes of House in a single evening. i'm halfway done with the second season now and will be almost done by early next week. then i can get my lazy ass back to work as i should've been doing all along. i can also watch season 3 episodes at a leisurely pace (when i'm bored and need some downtime).
weather here in Boston has been unusually warm. 60s today. people in shorts and flip flops. in January! global warming and all...there might be snow in a week or so...but so far, no snow.