Parallel universes?

Jan 23, 2007 03:00

Today I went to a School Redesign Conference at the Sheraton Hotel with 3 other department heads, our curriculum coordinator, and our principal, all of whom I love to be with. It was an incredible day for me. I went to only two sessions, one on literacy and the other called Mega Trends, and both were fabulous. I got many really good ideas for writing in my class and I stumbled out of the Mega Trends session with my eyes opened wide and my mind reeling. That session reminded me of my first class at UH, which was in educational technology. It was the last paper I was ever to write on a typewriter! I went out and bought a computer and my life hasn't been the same since. Today I saw a computer that's a pen. It had a projection keyboard and monitor! The future! I wonder how much I will get to see. Way back in my class in 92 I thought I would be able to read anything in the library on my computer. I misunderstood, but not by much. I go again tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.

It may have been worth all the work it took to get me there. I had to spend nearly all my weekend, both days, working on lesson plans, etc. So I felt my daughters' pain when they had their enormous task for the weekend and their Monday payoff. I hope their nests are getting more comfortable as I write this!
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