Sep 16, 2005 13:20
ah crap, i had this entry all ready, and it went *poof* into the livejournal unknown. damnit. ok...i'll redo it.
I took 1 of 3 quizzes on Tuesday in my Applied Calc (AP) class. 1 of 3. they're worth 10% EACH. Now, i'm not gonna lie, things have been going quiet smoothly in my AP class. I know everything we've done so far, and i often find myself bored. BUT i didn't know what to expect, what if he gave us problems that I had no idea how to solve?? He allows us to have cheat sheets, so i spent an hour before the class hunched over my desk writing all the formulas microscopically. It was painful on the already bad back (thank you dazzlers...). I get there. he passes the papers out. 3 questions. SO EFFING EASY! it would have taken me 5 minuets at tops, but i took worked so slowly to make sure I hadn't made any stupid mistakes. I breathed easy after that.
My AP class is interesting. The professor reminds me of a guy from home. He kinda looks like him with the baldness, glasses, and just how he dresses. They're probably around the same age give or take a few years. and like, this guy is crazy. he works all over the place, and from what i can gather, has always been a smart ass. He tells jokes that are really true stories about his life, but are amusing in that "omg i can't believe he did that" kinda way. The class is easy, and the easier the better, 1 less class i have to worry about, and 1 step closer to that 4.0 this semester. =P
In other news, I heart my roomie. she is seriously the cutest thing to come from korea. lol. and she's just so nice. She can kinda speak japanese, so whenever we're around the japanese folk, she does. It's amusing to me. We hung out the other day and went to Bethesda and ate at La Madaline, a little french bakery place, and it's really good food. She said to me "oooh i want to eat this food with my boyfriend" LOL. like how adorable is she? And we have a neighbor down the hall that we're good friends with (we steal his stuff like a comfy chair and soorin's got a blanket of his that she doesn't plan on giving back til may) and she's always texting him and wanting to borrow his "thing" (vaccum cleaner, she's asian, she can't help it, she needs to clean). She's always like "let's go find neeek(nick)"
hehe she makes me chuckle.
i'm off to a "group intereview" today for a job, i really really really need a job, so lets all pray i get it.