Nov 05, 2008 01:45
I read an article that the election of Obama was the death knell for racial identity politics. God I hope its true! there has been little, more destructive to humanity than the concept of race. all the genocides in the past century have been caused by this idea. jim crow, affermative action, the naacp, slavery, al sharpton, the janjuweed, the three holocausts in africa in recent memory, the black panther party, half of the trouble in israel, jesse jackson, and all the grand dragons that have ever lived were fueled by this single idea. It's time to drive a stake through its heart.
the racial identity activists origionally said that White people would never vote for a black man. on the theory that all white people were rascists. well maybe now that 45% of all white voters (including me if you believe it) voted for a black man they'll shut up for a while and allow this country to heal from the rediculously long bout of needless suspicion and distrust that they and their comrades with the short haircuts caused. The racial identity activists also said that he wasn't "black" enough. thats just their way of venting. they're mad that he didn't come from their ranks. the feminists are also peeved that none of the female presidents that have ever lead humanity have been one of them. (not too sure of this but none I could find in a few minutes googleing were)
remember, anyone that tells you that race is important either puts food on his table from your distrust or is the lacky of someone that does. they deserve your contempt, and most of all your giggles.
once we've killed race then I say we go after religion. it doesn't need killing, but it is acting a little big for it's britches.
ok rant over, feel free to flame, but please flame responsibly. if you can shoot holes in my theory please do, I'm allways looking for more data to help me clarify my understanding.