
Mar 19, 2006 16:04


1. Slept in your bed: besides me? Boomer & Lexie
2. Saw you cry: Boomer & Lexie
3. Made you cry: DUHHH  DOUG
4. Went to the movies with you: My mom & Doug
5. You went to the mall with: Casey, Duane, Doug, & Rachal
7. You went to dinner with: My mom
8. You talked on the phone with: Casey
9. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: And meant it???  My mom....
10. Broke your heart: N/A
11. Made you laugh: Boomer & Lexie
12. Bought you something: My dad


1. Pierce your nose or belly? I have my belly button pierced so the nose
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny..... I hate being serious
3. Drink whole or skim milk?  Whole Milk
4. Die in a fire or drown? Uhhhhh I don't kno.....


1. Simple or complicated? My personality goes both ways....
2. Gay?  Gay as in happy or homo???
3. Hardcore? I'm massively hardcore :o)
4. Honest? When I want to be...  lol


1.Flowers or angels?: Flowers
2. Grey or black?: I say both...
3. Colour or Black & White photos?: Black & White photos I say are beautiful!!!
4. Lust or love?: Either......
5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles  (I hate chocolate)
7. Rap or rock?: ROCK BABY!!!!!  FUCK RAP!!!  its a bunch of cRAP
8.Staying up late or waking up early?:  Stayin up late.... (like always)


1. Do you like anyone? MAAAAAYYYYBBBBBEEEE
2. Do they know it? I don't know.....


1. Being hot or cold?: I rather it be summer all the time...  I hate being cold....
2. Sun or moon?:  The moon...
3. Winter or Autumn?: Nither....
4. Left or right?: Well I'm right handed.... So I would have to go with RIGHT....
5.Having 10 acquaintances who will have sex with you or having 2 bestfriends?: 2 bestfriends... I don't need sex.... Sex is just pleasure.... Having 2 bestfriends is a different story....
6. Sun or rain?: Sunny Days!!!!!!!
7. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla!!! W/ Malt on top... (Chocolate is gross unless I'm high)
8. Boys or girls: BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS


What time is it? 5 til 420!!!!!!   (4:15 PM)
Name?: Katherine
Nickname(s): Kat, Kate, Katie/Katy, Kitt,  POTHEAD!!!  lol


Where do you want to live?: Amsterdam (sp?)  or Canada
Howmany kids do you want?: Too early to be talkin bout that....
Whatkind of job do you want?: One that I'm happy with and that pays enough to keep me alive!!! One where I can advance my career, where I can keep pushing myself further
Do you want to get married?: Uhhh not really......


1. Nervous Habits?: When I'm nervous my hands start twiching and my legs!!!
2. Are you double jointed?: Hehehe  Yeppers
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yepp
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: I can only raise one eyebrow!!!!
5. Can you cross your eyes?:  Yes But I'm afraid they might get stuck!!!
6.Do you make your bed daily?: Yes I do... More confrontable that way....


1. Which shoe goes on first?: I never really paid attention...
2. Ever thrown one at someone?: What kind of question is this???
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: I don't have a wallet!!!
4.What jewellery do you wear:? Nothing really just my belly button for right now...


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Both....
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: Never wanted to try it.... So no...
3. Favorite ice cream flavour?: Java Mocha, or Mint Chocolate chip (only when I'm high)
4.How many kinds of cereal are in your pantry? NONE!!!!  (I want some Captian Crunch)
5. What's your favorite beverage?: I don't drink caffine anymore so water.....
6. What's your favorite restaurant?: Too many to just choose one....
7.Do you cook?: Does a microwave count???


1. How often do you brush your teeth?: Everytime before work (which is everyday)
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part?: I have to put it up for work... But other than that I just let it go wild....
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? Waaaayyyy toooo many times....


1. Do you swear?: I swear like a sailor!!!!
2. Do you ever spit?: Alot of times...
3. You cook your own food: Rarely
4. You do your own chores?: Well kinda have to since I don't live with my parents no more....
5. You got laid today?: Haven't had sex in 6 1/2 months....
6. You like beef jerky?: I love Beef Jerky with cheese!!!!
7. You like pepsi or coke?:  I don't drink caffine so nither....
8. You plan on going to Uni?: Uni????  Ummm... OKAY
9. Are you happy with your life?: Some what....
10. You own a dog?: Yes... 2 dogs.... Lexie (pitbull) & Boomer (lab/collie mix)!
11. You spend your money wisely?: Hehehe not really....
12. You're always making new friends? There is no such thing as friends anymore... They always tend to fuck you over one way or another....
13. You like to swim?: I hate to swim....
14. Have you ever gotten so bored you called a friend?: Ive gotten so bored I sang myself to sleep....
15. You're patient?: Hell no.... Never have, never will be.....


In the last month have you...

1. Had sex: Nope, Try in the last 6 1/2 months....
2. Bought something: Uhhh yah....
3. Gotten sick: Im sick right now... I have a sore throat...
4. Sang: Always.....
5. Been kissed: Ehh yah..
7. Felt stupid: Thats 24/7 for me....
8. Missed someone: Yes
9. Got drunk: Yepp off of some Kentucky Delux Whiskey
10. Gotten high: 24/7
11. Danced crazy: hahahaha yes!
12. Gotten your hair cut: Yep and she fucked it up... Its too short....
13. Watched cartoons: We don't have cable at my house....
14. Lied: Yah...  To my boss...


1. Wished you were the opposite sex: I like being a gurl....
2. Snuck out of your house: Why the hell would I need to sneak out?
3. Gave money to a homeless person: Hell no!!!  Their homeless for a damn reason...  Why don't they just get cleaned up and go get a damn Mc Donalds job... Damn it's not that hard... I mean shit if Duane and Doug have a job.... Anybody can get a damn job!!!!!!!!
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