May 07, 2006 14:21
last night was awesome. :). this kid grabs my hand and leads me to a couch in the basement 'cause the lights were off and I couldn't see, I just met him, his name is cody, but i call him Tweek. he graduates in like a week. he's amazing.<3 basically was one of the few guys at the party that takes the word "no" well and respects it..we sat up until about 6 in the morning together 'cause we couldn't sleep. we sobered up pretty fast, 'cause we didn't drink a lot like usual. he said he wants us to start talking after this, so we exchanged numbers and hopefully we're hanging out next weekend. he had to leave at like 7:30-8ish..and i had him wake me up so i could hug/kiss him goodbye..Stevie decided to be gay earlier that night and grab a condom infront of everyone and give it to us like we were going to screw. but i said no, and we ended up donating it to the couple on the other side of the basement. ha. pretty much i can't wait to see him again..but i'm not going to expect anything, 'cause then it'll turn out the total opposite. but i'm going to try not liking him due to the fact that he's going into the airforce in september. :(