Jan 10, 2006 16:06
saturday, i didnt come home until 6 in the morning on sunday morning. i was woken up at about 1:30..and i couldnt go back to sleep the rest of the day. the next day at school i was passing out while sprawled across my desk..halfway hanging off...mrs. buell decided instead of making us appeal absences we can stay after and each half hour is a day made up. well..that means i have to spend atleast 9 hours with her..organizing her damn cabinets..well 8.5 hours now..thats the rest of my lunches this week and plus some after school. @#$%! i broke one of her thermometers though..but i just put it back.
this weekend my friends mom is going out of town. so a bunch of friends from school are coming over :D yee-haww. yeah, im pretty excited about that. i gotta go to the doctors on saturday for my jacked-up ankle thats still swollen from a few weeks ago. =( and get my back checked out. something's wrong with it. pretty much my body hates me..
tomorrow i got my english and history exam.
thursday hon. geo and adv. alg. exams.
friday french and biology exam.
my grades right now are amazing.<3