
Jan 17, 2018 06:07

How we deal with emotions in the art world... where is the line between dramatic and overly literal and the other extreme of purely physical and seemingly cold.
Also how does a choreographer use overly literal as a tool or melodrama as a tool... is the difference just awareness
Cureent nyc dance... what is the fear of physical theatre
Or being obvious... curious to use this as a tool
Overall goal: how do we make post modern dance and what is seemingly movement unconnected to everyday humanity’s emotions more relatable
How do we fuse the confusion of more “abstract art” and the connotation it has become attached to as something only “well studied and only understand when exposed to” and show what I feel like is the true meaning of modern dance in that it is meant to relatable even in most choreographers preference for more pedestrian movement. How did the most human form of artistic expression become one of the least relatable?
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