Oct 08, 2006 16:40
so it is just ridiculous that people think i would actually care about if they are talking about me or not at home ...supposedly ive changed...and im nothing like i used to be....see funny thing..they didnt know how i used to be in the first place. so how can they say that ive changed so muchhhh....second of all, who are they to even BEGIN to talk about me changing...as if they are all disappointed because i mean geez we were like best friends AHAHAHHAAHHAHA. im so glad that they were never a part of my life and never will be. i dont need shit like this..this is exactly what happens when you stay home your whole life ...you become a petty girl who is so insanely bored and miserable with her own life that she feels she has to not only talk about her friends but also people who she doesnt even know...who she just likes to think she knows...in order to make her insignficant life more interesting. why dont you just try to get to know me before you come to the conclusion that you have the right away to say shit about me.