Dec 03, 2005 17:42
So leave me a comment saying ... !interview me! then i will make up five questions and then you have to answer them and post them on journal and then you have to ask if anyone wants you to interview them so yeah so yeah
1. Tell me one part of your body that you really like and why.
2. BAM! You're dead. :( Heaven or Hell and what does it look like?
3. Name your favorite article of clothing/accessory.
4. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
5. If money was no issue, where would you take a trip to and why?
1. goes I would like all of my body if I wasn't a dancer. In all honesty, I love my boobs and i love my butt, and i love my thighs, yet dancers arent supposed to have ANY of these body parts...they are supposed to be nonexistant..but i am rather comfortable with my curvy figure
2.AAHAHHA uhhhh looks like right now I am going to hell....but then i will get to hell and the devil will be like whats up with this..midgets arent allowed in hell you have suffered too then he will send me back up to heaven..where i will be hannah the dancer angel who dances for all the rest of the angels..and instead of having a white robe mine will be rainbow coloreddddd
3. my favorite piece of clothing hmmmmmm....well it is a tie between my ladybug pin, my kindergarten necklace and my boots of course.
4.77.012 times..did you know the people who make tootsie rolls were like hey we need more moneyyyy so they just put some hard candy around the tootsie roll and were like genius...also if you find an indian on your wrapper it is good luck...(i save mine)
5.i would want to visit japan...i am obsessed with japanese fashion right and then i want to go to egypt and then i want to go to greece and then i want to go to the rainforestttttttt SCRATCH ALL OF THAT I WOULD GO TO GEORGIA FOR A REALLLLLY LONG TIME AND STAY WITH GABY FOREVERRRR....i miss you... :( :( :( :( :( :(
By the way this lovely interview was by MS.KATHARINE BUTLER AKA KBUT