Aug 05, 2004 20:24
Yep Still alive... on a hiatus from school right now. Been running about 7 miles a day on my own. Fun Fun. School is going to be insane. I will have 3 more weeks of math just to start out with. Total i think that I have about 6 months left in this hell hole of Florida. Did I ever mention how much that I hate this damn state. It's not just the voting. The friggin ppl in charge down here Government wise are friggin idgets. Let's put a sign that says REST STOP 1 MILE up, have the EXIT in ONE mile and make ya drive 5 MILES up into the woods just to get to the actual rest stop. BAH... idiots. That list goes on and on and on and on and on, if ya get the drift. BAH. Well, bout to go on my 7 mile run PEACES... Chuck