So these past few weeks have been pretty insane crazy. Mid-terms are coming up way too fast and I don't think I'm ready. arrgh.
I looooove living in Phelps hall. Its so much less stressful living in a co-ed dorm than it was living with 300 other girls. *shudder* A lot of my friends live in Phelps which is pretty great. Toooo much fun.
I get to play a solo for a recital coming up for when the National Music Accreditors come to re-accredidate the music department. I'm actually pretty excited about it which is rare for me because I would normally wig out about something like this. Speaking of music, I have to shell out a but load of money for a new friggn viola case. grr. My poor case is falling apart. The straps are falling off, one of the zippers is broken, the top and bottom of the case don't atomatically line up when I close it so I have to give it a good smack to get it alligned, the strap that holds down my viola in the case is falling off...sigh...the poor thing is falling apart from the inside out. Its seen me through quite a few years though. Here's to my faithful case. Cheers! :-P lol
So last Friday our Symphonette had a concert...and we pretty much kicked ass. We actually got a bravo! Holy cow! Went to a party at the Beach House (which is a house that this lady rents out to music majors and its by the coast of Lake Michigan). Anyways it was lots of fun. The symphonette hadn't hung out together since tour last spring so it was pretty great.
Tori and I! Allison, Elise, Kirsten, Tori and meee
Kailey, Elise, Tori, me, and Joe
In other news....Nykerk competition starts up next week! YAY! I'm soooo excited. :-)
Well thats about all the news I got for now. Hope things are well with everyone back home. LOVE! :-)