Jul 31, 2005 15:56
In the last 24 hours you...
[ ] got in a fight
[ x ] took a shower
[ x ] gave a dirty look to someone
[ ] cried
[ ] did a cartwheel
[ ] went to school
[ x ] shopped (for food)
[ ] danced
[ ] got sick
[ ] did something you regret
[ ] ate something gross
[ ] discovered something new
At school you...
[ ] run to class because your always late
[ ] hide in the bathroom
[ ] act perfect
[ ] are hyper
[ x ] are a nerd (im sure i am)
[ ] are in band
[ ] are very popular
You consider yourself...
[ ] hot
[ x ] ugly
[ ] mean
[ ] popular
[x] geeky
[x ] normal
[ ] a trend setter
[ ] gothic
[ ] a wannabe ( haha yeah right)
Right now you are...
[ ] in your pjs
[ ] drinking
[ x ] listening to music
[ x ] watching a movie
[ x ] iming someone
[ ] talking on the phone
[ x ] eating
Have you ever...
[ x ] been kissed
[ ] lied to your best friend
[ ] dyed your hair
[ ] dressed punk
[ ] kissed a girl
[ x ] saw someone naked
[ x ] had your period (although i dont think any cares)
[ x ] danced in the rain (and fell in the rain)
[ x ] lied to your parents
[ x ] cried in front of lots of people
[ x] went bare foot in the snow
[ ] played hockey
[ ] made your own clothes
[ ] forgot to wear a bra
[ ] peed you pants
[ x ] I am a teenager.
[ x ] I have a friend who smokes/does drugs.
[ ] The last time I cried was while I was watching a movie.
[ ] I cry often.
[ ] I love shoes!
[ x ] Whenever I'm bored, I usually just listen to music.
[ x ] I'm ALWAYS bored.
[ ] McDonald's is better than Burger King. (i prefer wendys anyway)
[ x ] I prefer rock music over rap or R&B.
[ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question is because I like all or most types of music.
[ x] I like to read.
[ x ] I have good grades and I'm still better than you! (decent grades.... but most ppl have better ones )
[ ] My CD collection is so big I took a whole day just to count them all.
[ ] It didn't take a whole day, but my CD collection is still big.
[ ] Troy is one of my favorite movies.
[ ] I have at least 2 siblings.
[ x ] I love cheesecake!
[ x ] I cuss too much, and I know it.(sometimes)
[ x ] I have a friend that I look up to because (s)he is a great influence.
[ ] I am obsessed with a hot celebrity.
[ ] My favorite color is red.
[ ] I have taken a shower with more than 2 people of the same gender as me. With or without bathing suits. ;)
[] I am going to/planning on going to a concert in the next month.
[ ] I like cats better than dogs.(hell no cats are bitches)
[ ] I can't wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to come out!
[ ] I live in California
[ x ] I want to live in California. (maybe)
[ ] I like football.(the ppl playing it) :)
[ ] I hate eggs.
[ ] SpongeBob is awesome!
[ x ] Randomness makes me laugh. oh yea
[ x ] I'm thirsty.
[ x ] I like DVD's.
[x ] I can't wait for Christmas. (presents and food heck yea)
[ x ] In the last 24 hours, I've talked to somebody on Instant Messanger.
[ ] I am currently on a laptop.
[ ] The laptop belongs to me.
[ x ] I wish for a lot of things.
[] My birthday is coming up sometime this month
well that should bore ya i doubt anyone wants to hear about me !!!!!!!!1