Aug 30, 2003 17:50
i keep having the same dream over and over again. It's a stupid dream about a white rabbit that runs away from me. Then it turns around and stares at me, as if it's confused as to why I refused to get up and chase it. When I don't follow, it annoys me until i do. When I follow it, he starts to lead the way, then I turn back around and continue to not follow it. This happens three times, then the fourth time the rabbit doesn't come back. Ever. Something keeps bothering me. Like a splinter in my brain. All I want to know is what it is.
So, shawna and Kristina moved in the other day. Three flights of stairs people! Carrying all that shit was a challenged, but I'm glad I got to help my friends out. That night some people came over including Jessica and Alyssa. I told Jessica that I wanted her to die when we were playing a 'drunk driver' and I was dealing her cards. I wasn't being serious though, so Jessica if you read this I hope you understand that I really don't wish you dead. I told her this last night, but I was kinda drunk. Last night we had a dos equis keg, which by the way was fuckin 110$. We were excepting donations, but I don't think Im gonna see any of the money.
Anyways, tonight I'm gonna continue the hunt for my alegbra notes from sophomore year, then head out to get drunk. I have a case that I need to pick up from Kristina sometime around 11.