(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 18:21

first best friend = anna
first job = Go-Lo (for a whole day)
first screen name = i do believe it might have been happy chappy, how sad. shroud of turin came along maybe when i was 15, and kind of stuck
first self purchased cd = i'm about to admit my most embarrassing secret here, i have a feeling it was mariah carey - music box when i was in year 6. yes now you all have blackmail material against me.
first funeral = my pop when i was about 5
first piercing/tattoo = ears @ 8
first enemy = allison harsas, well ryan before that but brothers don't really count
first big trip = new caledonia in year 6

last big car ride = umm canberra, no wait i went from canberra to newcastle then to coffs harbour...
last good cry = can't remember? or maybe don't want to sat...
last library book checked out = jones and may - social work in human service organisations
last beverage drank = water
last food consumed = a french onion le snack thing
last phone call = belinda from quasar called me to organise the trapeze day thing
last time showered = about 3 hours ago
last shoes worn = docs
last annoyance = being woken up by the phone only to have it stop ringing as soon as i got there
last shirt worn = plain black bonds shirt
last website visited = a just war? judeo-christian and islamic perspectives. damn philosophy exams

wallet = it's a jack nightmare b4 christmas one, very cute and it actually has space for my cards and hasn't even started to fall apart yet :)
underwear = right now? these blue ones with cows that say 'how now brown cow' ahh i love them
hair = yuck
eyes = blue green whatever
hands = they have five fingers. and i bite my nails
feet = they look like feet. they are kind of big for a girl as short as me
room = looks like a bomb just went off
Bf/Gf = don't say the B word!
parents = good catholic woman of a mum, dad's pretty cool

okay, ok, or o.k. = Ok
bright colors or dark colors = Dark
tic-tacs or certs = what are certs?
sunshine or rain = sunshine
rain or snow = rain but only if i don't have to walk in it
sun or moon = both have their advantages
silver or gold = silver, but really i wouldn't wear either
silk, cotton, or flannel sheets = whatever but not silk
preps or freaks = freaks
popcorn-with or w/out butter = With :)
ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish = tomato sauce.
shampoo conditioner in one or separate = i just use shampoo

an animal = a cat so i could sleep all day
a fruit = no idea, actually i'd really rather not be a fruit
a vegetable = as above
a color = ummm i have no idea
a bug = again no idea, maybe a lady beetle, they're cute

are you smart? = maybe i was in high school. but then i killed off all my brain cells and my memory as good as doesn't exist any more
do you like onions? = yum
what instruments can you play? = piano, some guitar. if you chuck me some kind of woodwind instrument and tell me what the notes are i can play averagely (haha i learned to play my friend's sax better than her in half an hour!)
what words do you overuse? = ridiculously, i'm told i use ginormous too much for a word that doesn't exist, awesom (with the emphasis on the som like in insomnia) i know it's stupid but it just comes out. there's lots of others but as per usual my memory fails me when i have to list them
do you sleep with socks on? = if it's cold enough
are you ticklish? = very much so
are you shy? = not as much as i used to be but yeah
do you talk to yourself? = occasionally ;)
do you have a basement or an attic? = nope but i have a funky storage room thing downstairs
did you go to preschool? = uh huh
are you a morning person? = not one bit

who you are closest to = tough question. there's lots. but right now i'm gonna go with len
who makes you laugh the most = umm my friends at uni these days who i will miss lotsly
who has the best house = who has the best place of their own and not whose parent's house is cool is so kris after i saw his place last week!
who is the most daring = i have no idea
who is most likely to become an actor/actress = mariel! my friend from work last week just was given a main role in that foxtel show love my way with claudia karvan :) shame i don't have foxtel
who makes you cry the most = right now, no one. in the past, i'm not saying.
who is the craziest = ?
who is the most flirty = i would have said sofia but hey she doesn't want anything to do with me any more...


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